Heat waves and work are a combination that I don't like. UPS is a downright horrible place to work in the summer. The fans don't cool you off as much as they barely keep you alive in order to keep working. The bad part is that years ago OSHA had to be called in order to get those. Well, at least the heatwave is almost over and my two week vacation starts next week. At this rate I really do need a break from that job. I can only take so much of it, even with the weekends off. I also hate those empty threats about sending employees home who don't appear to be productive enough. I was even threatened with going home early and I tried to be unproductive, yet I didn't get to go home. Maybe I should try for an unproductive Friday?
And I still don't have my car. It's been in the shop since Friday. I certainly hope that they've finally fixed whatever was wrong with it. It'd be nice to start it up normally (or at all) like I used to be able to do. According to the shop I'll get my Accord back tomorrow after they do a final check. Doing without it was rough but it wasn't the end of the world. However, I need the car this weekend to pick
balto_mike up from the airport and to head to a family picnic.
That reminds me, thanks to everything going on this weekend I won't be able to make it at all to FA: United. I really wanted to go to this con even if it was for a day. It seems like it's not meant to happen this year, just as with Anthrocon. All I can do is monitor the con reports on
faunited and try to go next year.