Titles in the subject field are for the awake.

Jul 08, 2007 23:52

Another weekend has come and gone. It's amazing how the lack of homework and school on a Monday can make the stress go away. It's nice to be able to enjoy a weekend without the nagging commitments like school pulling at me every so often. I'm going to try and make the best of my vacation before I do have to return to school.

The sink was finally fixed on Saturday evening. I was told that when the plumber installed the new part that I broke on Friday there was still a clog in the drain. (I was out at the time and wasn't around when he fixed the bathroom sink.) In the end he had to run the snake through the pipes behind the wall and removed a disgusting hair clog. Everything worked out fantastically since the sink now drains quickly and doesn't leak anymore.

Before I went out on Saturday I did manage to make it to TBL chat around 4. That was the earliest that I've gone to chat in months, maybe even a year or so. I actually had a blast and I'll have to make it a point to drop by early (even if I have to leave) more often.

I wanted to say more, but I'm just too tired to do so.


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