(no subject)

Aug 06, 2006 12:34

After Cloud's disappearance, there was one more shock that was delivered to Avalanche, after the others had returned and were appraised of what had happened.

It took a moment for the group to notice when a doctor approached them, holding the results to the DNA test Aeris had insisted that Sephiroth and Vincent have done. Everyone fell silent, looking at the doctor expectantly.

The doctor cleared his throat before speaking. "Misters Valentine and...Sephiroth?" When the two men in question nodded, he continued. "In both samples taken, there were foreign cells we were unable to identifiy. Barring them, the samples were an almost indentical match, so it is safe to assume Mr. Valentine is Mr. Sephiroth's father."

The stunned silence that met that announcement was broken by Aeris' triumphant laugh.

"I told you so!" the Cetra girl laughed, hugging first one stunned man, then the other.

Meanwhile, Sephiroth and Vincent could only stare at each other in complete shock. And whatever secret reservations and doubts Sephiroth had had, harbored by Jenova's whisperings, were put to rest.
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