The idea behind this episode was so similar to the most recent season of Dexter, a group of guys meeting at summer camp and assaulting a girl, keeping in touch for years after and the ongoing impact it had on the girl. Despite that, it wasn't as extreme as some of the more recent SVU episodes, which was a good thing.
Shame on the two kids, how do you miss the fact that your father is hog tied on the kitchen floor? I don't know how long he expected to hide the brand of his chest, seeing as the hospital would do a full check.
Delivering yourself to the victim's apartment definitely shows dedication. This obviously wasn't some random attack. Although you think that you would pick a box that didn't stand out quite so much!
Why is it that sometimes they pick up really obvious connections straight away but in other episodes it's taken years to make the connection? Victor didn't even hesitate in saying that he didn't recognise the other victim, which makes me think that they knew fromt he very beginning who was responsible and why this was happening
Surely if you are trying to hide the fact that you know each other you wouldn't have an argument in the middle of the street?
I thought that Alexander would have been a better liar, instead of saying all that stuff about business relationships. And seeing how reluctant he was to talk to the police I'm not sure how Elliot and Olivia convinced him to leave his apartment. The little joke between Olivia and Elliot wasn't something that we've seen recently
If Camille was that good a hacker, not to mention her ability to smuggle herself, why didn't she use a delivery service that wasn't the one she worked for?
What Camille said about being nobody was quite chilling. Of course it also means that at the moment they're probably not going to get anything useful out of her
Another ADA. Wonder how long this one will last :( Unless they're writing them this way deliberately it seems like they're never going to get one the detectives actually like. Or who doesn't get fired by Jack!
The photo from the summer camp was very similar to Dexter as well. Pretty amazing that the woman working at the camp remembered all 4 individuals from back in the 1990s
Ok so this bit was a little over the top. Camille hasn't said anything for the past 14 years but 5 minutes with Olivia and she's spilling everything?
The main problem I have with the laugh is that you don't really know what you sound like unless you have heard yourself recorded, so how could Camille really have recognised the laugh?
The emphasis that was placed on the blatent lying by the three men was different. Normally it's just distorted truth or one person lying.
I think that giving the folder to Olivia is the move that's going to get Olivia onside with Jillian, so maybe she will be staying a while.
Just as well that Hannah knew she was adopted. She could have been a little clearer on the stand about who her biological father was!
After all the outbursts in court you woudl think that they would have to have a retrial. Of course Alexander will be going to court anyway for the other rapes.