
Sep 12, 2010 13:25

Whilst this episode was kind of fun in that it would have worked as an old fashion murder mystery, kind of like a game of clue, it didn't work as a CI episode and seemed kind of silly. Plus there had to be all sorts of breaches of regulations having Nichols investigate the case when he not only knew the murder victim but dated the daughter. They started to address it and I thought that there was going to be some sort of show down between Nichols and Stevens, it kind of got pushed aside

Even though they're in the same hemispehere I still thought it was kind of a big deal to fly between London and New York. And especially on a cop's salary it was a bit extreme that Nichols would fly to the other side of the country just because he wanted to talk to someone :( They never really explained who the woman was. She had obviously been involved with Nichols at some point, but it wasn't clear whether she still was.

The style of this episode was also somewhat different anf the filming techniques worked well, especially with Nichols describing what had happened and it would appear on screen washed out before becoming completely coloured.

It was obvious that Nichols was shaken by the case, especially when Stevens found him sitting out on the terrace, really his involvement shoudl have stopped there.

Lenora went to Nichols father for treatment but was that before or after she dated him? I wonder if she really hadn't been told that her father was dead (not knowing who was supposed to have discovered the bodies) and someone had decided to leave the job for the detectives or whether she had been told and had just forgotten?

Stevens seemed fairly blase about the video recorder that the butler gave her, surely that would be pretty exciting evidence. I get that he didn't want to have to admit that he had purchased stolen books but shouldn't he have been more concerned about what Dylan was doing to his daughter?

Well the nephew was really broken up about about his uncle's death. Since you aw later that the nephew was pressuring Palmer to sell everything and put Lenora in a home, why didn't he remove the nephew as executor of the will?

Seeing as it looked like Palmer and Dylan had been killed a duel and Rogers then said that it had all been a set up, I thought that they would have spent a little more time explaining why

I loved that  Bernard and Regina claim that they were close family friends but the first thing they said when they arrived at 1PP was about the books-before they even introduced themselves. They way they conducted themselves in the interview was very odd and made me think that they wanted life to be like in books. But the interview kind of seemed to be the end of it

As far as professional police work goes, Nichols reaction to the nephew trying to pack up the house certainly wasn't a shining example. Nichols was throwing stuff around, Bernard and Regina started rifling through stuff that could have been evidence. Plus later on Bernard was caught trying to steal some books, so it seems like he never really learned his lesson

So the nephew got involved with Dylan to try and swindle people, but then Dylan went out on his own and went after Palmer. Looking back the butler's behaviour was kind of od, a little bit too old fashioned, makes sense that his passport was fake.

Finding the information about Celeste's hidden life as a priest seemed kind of unrealistic. I'm pretty sure churches don't have biographies of their priests online and whilst that may have been able to find information about the order that Celeste was involved in, I'm not sure how they linked him to the order to begin with. As soon as they linked him to the order you knew that woudl have been after the rare book, but it took a while for the story to get there.

Why did the set up in the attic have to belong to the killer.Surely if Palmer owned these books he would have had a set up to be able to look at them. Nobody admitting to knowing how to get in the attic seemed kind of silly.

I liked how it was Lenora's seemingly nonsensical comments that lead the detectives to the evidence to find the killer.

The evidence that they presented to Celeste to explain why they thought he was the killer seemed kind of weak-he looked a little worried when they said they were ready to announce who did it and then a little relieved when passing out the brandy. Of course it was enough to get him to confess after he saw Bernard's name, but still kind of flimsy.

The way Nichols had been talking to the woman in England about Lenora I thought that there was the possibility that she had died. So when Celeste fired the gun I thought thst Lenora was going to end up being hit in another room. But then I remembered they were in the attic :P

I liked the way Nichols handled his good bye with Lenora. Kind of a reminder of what Regina said that she kept living the same day over.

reviews, criminal intent

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