OBiaH Chapter 16

May 26, 2007 11:42

Title: Of Butterflies in a Hurricane
Author: roxierose13
Rating: NC-17
Complete: No
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Disclaimer: I solemnly swear that I do not own Harry Potter and/or any other characters used in this fic. They are all property of J.K. Rowling.
Warnings: Sexual content, Minor char. death, angst, Horcrux hunt.
Summary: After Dumbledore's death and Draco's disappearance, Harry knows what he has to do. He must find and save his boyfriend while concealing the relationship, destroy the Horcruxes that will ultimately destroy Voldemort, and deal with his grief.  With Ron and Hermione by his side, he may just have a chance. ~Sequel to Falling Away with You~

Reread: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15


Draco sneered up at Blaise's smirking face from where he sat, crunched into a small ball inside the tree trunk. His arms were crossed over his chest defensively as he glared at Blaise.

"How did you find me?" he asked disdainfully. He scooted further back into the hole, not daring to go out and into the vulnerable forest.

Blaise scoffed and placed a hand on his hip. "Please, Draco, I know you better than anyone."

No, you don't, Draco thought bitterly. "And why would that help you?"

"Because, my dear Dragon, you happen to be predictable to anyone who cares to notice. It's not hard to know that, when you're scared, you take off for a secluded and hidden little spot that few people know of."

"And how did you come to know of it?" Draco sneered. His silver eyes flashed as he glared up at Blaise from inside his tiny hidey-hole.

Blaise crouched down, glancing around momentarily, as if to make sure they were truly alone. "I watch and listen," he said simply. "I've seen you disappearing during the summer months before. I've followed you, though no one else has."

"You've followed me?" Draco repeated scathingly. "And you haven't told anyone? Not even your beloved Lord?"

"There's no reason to be hostile," Blaise replied coldly. "What I keep to myself is my own business."

"Wouldn't you get in to trouble if they found out you'd been withholding information?" Draco asked in an innocent voice.

"Who says they're ever going to find out?" Blaise whispered menacingly. "Like I said, Draco, you're not the only Occlumens in this world."

Draco rolled his eyes but remained determinedly scrunched up in the tiny hole in the tree trunk. He refused to come out until he was sure it was safe. Though Blaise had helped him several times, he knew better than to trust him more than was necessary.

"So why did you come to find me? To take me back to the madman? Make me suffer for my crimes?" Draco mocked. He knew he shouldn't be pushing it so much, but his fear and anger were getting the best of him.

"Actually, I'm not the one looking for you," Blaise replied smoothly, his voice back to normal. He held Draco's eyes for a moment as they remained in the dark forest. "Your father is."

"Wonderful," Draco said sarcastically. He knew just what his father would do if he found him. All of a sudden, going back to Voldemort didn't seem like such a bad thing. He had just been lucky his father had not caught him before when he'd been at home.

"The Dark Lord is not happy about your escape. He seems particularly distraught that you killed that idiotic snake of his. Personally, I think it was a good idea. That snake was a damned nuisance."

"That bloody snake tried to eat me," Draco said darkly. "She deserved it."

"More to the point," Blaise said, “you escaped right under his nose and I know no one will find you here. I'm the only one who knows about this. But what are you doing hiding in a tree? Surely, you're much too brave for that." He stressed the word brave unnecessarily, causing Draco to regard him suspiciously for a moment, wondering if he didn't know more than he let on. It was entirely possible with Blaise.

"I was not hiding," Draco replied scathingly. "I was merely thinking in a safe spot. Or it was safe until you showed up."

"It's still safe, in a manner of speaking," Blaise said, a smirk twisting his mouth. "And what were you thinking about?"

"Like I would tell you," Draco sneered. He knew perfectly well that, as much as Blaise had helped already, there was no guarantee of that in the future.

He had been trying to figure out a way to find Harry. He felt much better now that he had a few things from home, but it still irked him that he had no way of finding Harry. He knew any spell he could cast would be useless. Harry was too smart to allow anyone to set a Tracking Spell on him, and, even if he wasn't, Hermione would have done it for him.

He looked back to Blaise, who had settled himself onto the ground at the entrance to the tree. Draco groaned silently, knowing Blaise wouldn't leave until he was done.

"What do you want?" he asked, annoyed.

"What every man wants," Blaise replied loftily, and Draco rolled his eyes.

"Could you be a little more specific?"

Blaise paused for a moment, appearing to be thinking. Then he looked back at Draco, a malicious glitter in his hazel eyes. "I want fame, fortune, loyalty, some good fucks, you know, all the basics."

Draco sneered and rolled his eyes. He knew his friend could be quite crude at times if he so wished. Blaise had an amazing personality. Every day, Draco learned something new.

"What does that have to do with me?" he asked scathingly.

"Nothing really," Blaise said, shrugging. "Although, you would bring me fame, fortune, and a good fuck."

Draco merely glared at him, trying to burn a hole in him with his eyes. "Well, you're fucking better off looking somewhere else."

"You're really not in a position to bargain here," Blaise told him, watching him intently. "You're stuck in a tree with a stolen wand that won't do you much good, and nothing else."

"I managed to escape from that dismal prison all by my itty bitty self. I think I can handle you." He didn't happen to mention that he had his own wand and a few choice objects that would be very useful in escaping.

"You got lucky," Blaise said indifferently. "Dolohov isn't the most talented wizard."

"Then it was a good thing it was him instead of my dear cousin Bella."

Blaise gave a derisive laugh as he continued to watch Draco. "Yeah, it was good, but then, it's not like He would have let Bella in to see you anyway. She’s not exactly in his confidence since the fiasco at the Ministry a couple years ago." Blaise paused, seemingly sizing up Draco. He stood up then and Draco had to crane his neck out of the hole to look at him.

"What are you doing?" he asked suspiciously.

"I have a mission to do," Blaise replied coldly and Draco's eyes widened. Blaise glanced down at him for a second then looked away quickly. "You know, Draco," he said thoughtfully. "Isn't it strange that, no matter what we're taught, it all comes back to habits in the end?"

With that, Blaise took off, striding into the forest, leaving Draco to puzzle on his last words. He quickly did up the tree bark that Blaise had torn apart and settled back, doing his best to figure out what to do and where to go.

Blaise pushed his way through the trees, climbing over brambles and bushes. After much ripping of fabric, he rolled his eyes and took out his wand, once more blasting a random path out of the forest. He finally came to the main footpath and followed its winding way out to the edge of the trees.

Just before stepping into the dimming sunlight, he waved his wand over his clothes, fixing any scratches and rips in the fabric. Then he pointed the wand at his face. His hair changed from dark brown to a nearly black color. His eyes morphed into a light turquoise color. His nose got smaller and his skin lightened a shade.

When he was finally satisfied with his appearance, he stowed the wand back in his pocket and took the path back to the city. He strode up the path and turned onto the street that he'd been on previously. The street lamps were beginning to turn on as dusk fell in the late summer evening. It was nearly ten o'clock at night already.

Blaise slowed his stride down to more of a saunter as he walked down the grey streets of the city. As he turned onto another street, the sky darkened to a dusky blue. He walked down this far more lively street. Many men hung out in alcoves around it.

He ignored the cat calls and walked past the men to a rather large building. From outside, he could already hear the loud thump of music. The line to get in was nearly around the block, but Blaise wasted no time in walking to the front.

He gave the bouncer a seductive smile and was immediately granted access, much to the distress of the rest of the crowd. Ignoring the complaints of the crowd, Blaise slid right in, hearing the velvet rope click behind him.

He wound his way through the grinding bodies, making for the bar on the other side of the room. There, he ordered a drink and leant back against the counter to watch the many writhing bodies on the dance floor.

His now blue eyes flashed across the room, surveying all the men present. They fell on a couple dancing halfway across the room. One was tall and dark-haired, well-muscled. The other was short and blond, not much to look at.

Blaise took another sip of his drink and watched as the song ended and the dark-haired boy dismissed his dancing partner. The boy sighed, looking bored. He had clearly been looking for a little more action that night.

Blaise's eyes were fixed on the boy as he moved through the crowd, looking for someone better to dance with. He was soon taken up on his offer by some other brown-haired man. Blaise did a quick summation on the boy. He could tell he was young, Blaise's age, only seventeen. He was clearly experienced in the ways of men by the way he was dancing with the older man.

He watched as the boy again dismissed this partner at the end of the song. He looked disappointed once more and Blaise took his opportunity. He slid through the crowd easily, coming up to the side of the dark-haired boy.

"Hey," he greeted him casually, catching his attention. "Saw you dancing. You're not too bad."

The boy raised an eyebrow as he visibly took in Blaise's body and face. "Do I know you?"

"Doubtful," Blaise replied. "But would you like to?"

The boy said nothing for a moment, clearly thinking it over. "Wanna dance?" he asked finally. Blaise nodded and they moved onto the dance floor as another techno beat swept up around them.

"What's your name?" the dark-haired boy asked over the thumping of the music.

"Chris Riley," Blaise replied as they moved to the music. "You?"

"Michael Corner," Michael replied, grabbing Blaise's hips and pulling them flush against him.

Blaise smirked at him as he felt Michael's growing erection pressing into his thigh. Michael looked up at him and gave him a seductive smile. He moved their hips together suggestively, grinding their hard erections together in time with the pounding music.

They ground together, their breaths coming in hot puffs against one another's skin. Michael tilted his head up to looked in Blaise's eyes, silently asking him. Blaise pressed his lips against Michael, thrusting his tongue into the warm caverns of his mouth. He pulled Michael closer by his hips as the kiss continued.

His tongue lashed at his mouth, drinking in all of his taste, pulling on his lower lip in a show of dominance. Michael groaned into the kiss, feeling his member hardening even more rapidly as Blaise's hands slid around to grasp his ass, squeezing it lightly.

Finally, Michael pulled out of the kiss, panting heavily. He looked up at Blaise through lust-glaze eyes. He leaned in, his lips barely brushing Blaise's as they continued to move together in a seductive dance, and whispered, "Want to get out of here?"

Blaise's only response was to kiss Michael harshly and possessively. Michael's groan was muffled and his hands came up to grasp the back of Blaise's tee shirt. Blaise pulled away with a nip to Michaels' lower lip and grinned at him, his eyes sparkling mischievously.

"Lead on," he whispered in Michael's ear, flicking out his tongue teasingly.

Michael grabbed Blaise's hand and led him towards the door and out into the cool night air. They left the main street and went down a second alleyway until Michael turned sharply, glancing around carefully. Then he pushed open a concealed door and ushered Blaise in.

Inside was a nicely furnished little room. Blaise thought that this must have been magically altered. He couldn't say anything, though. Michael was unaware that he was wizard and he intended to keep it that way, for now.

Michael shut the door and Blaise heard him whisper something. He turned away from Michael as he smirked. Instead, his eyes roved over the room, taking in the low bed in one corner and a desk that sat on the opposite wall.

Blaise moved over to the desk as Michael shut the door and set his locking spells. On the table sat a few papers that looked like lists of things. In large letters, it was emblazoned OtP and underlined. He went to reach for it but found it pulled out from under his fingertips.

Michael gave him a smile and shoved the papers into a drawer in the desk. "Sorry, it's for a video game. My friends are trying to beat all the levels. They make lists of everything they need to defeat it."

Blaise nodded and gave an understanding smile. Michael just shrugged and smiled good-naturedly, but Blaise could tell he had been worried for a second. It was all forgotten, though, when Michael took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around Blaise's neck, smiling coyly at him.

"So was there something you came here to do?" he asked, looking up at Blaise mischievously.

"As a matter of fact, yes," Blaise replied, pushing Michael backwards and onto the low bed. He crawled on top of him, making sure to brush his fingers over the dark-haired boy's body.

His fingers skimmed underneath Michael’s tee shirt, coming into contact with the tanned skin. Michael gave a groan and arched into the touch. Blaise smirked at his eagerness and hastily pushed up the shirt to Michael's chin. He took in the sight of the tanned and toned muscles of his stomach. His fingers traveled nimbly up the body, circling the hardened nipples, tweaking them slightly.

"Oh, fuck," Michael breathed as Blaise continued his teasing of his chest.

Blaise took away his fingers moments later, replacing them with his mouth. His tongue darted out, wetting the nubs as his teeth barely scraped the skin. Michael gave a low moan as Blaise continued to torture him using just his tongue. His hands were not touching Michael, though he begged to be touched.

Michael's hands scrabbled around on the covers, desperate for something to hold onto. Blaise stopped teasing him, raising his head and smirking at the panting boy beneath him. He moved upward, his body sliding gracefully forward, his erection rubbing against Michael's throbbing cock.

He pressed kisses to Michael's neck, drinking in the smell of the Ravenclaw. He nipped at the flesh on his jaw line, running his tongue over the spot momentarily. He nibbled on the skin of his neck, licking and sucking torturously.

Michael keened desperately as Blaise' continued his exploration of his neck. He needed more friction than Blaise was creating at the moment. He reached down and grasped Blaise's hips, grinding them down into his pulsing erection.

Blaise gasped as a shot of electricity shot through his body, sending his nerves into a tingling frenzy. He only increased the fervor of his attack, now abandoning Michael's neck and bringing down his mouth hard on Michael's lips.

Michael allowed himself to be taken in the kiss, to let Blaise thrust his tongue greedily into the hot caverns of his mouth, suck on the plump flesh of his lower lip. His hands were still on Blaise's hips, crashing their fiery cocks together in a pressing heat.

Michael moaned loudly into Blaise's mouth. He was so hot he could barely stand it. His skin felt like it was on fire every time their erections pressed together in the clash of heat. He took a leg and wrapped it around Blaise's legs, holding him in place for the time-being.

The kiss had become fevered and rushed and, soon, Blaise was forced to pull away, panting harshly as he bent over Michael. Their erections still rubbed together, making it quite difficult to form a coherent thought.

Blaise moved back for a second, knowing he had to gain control of himself. While he did this, he reached down in between their bodies and undid the buttons on Michael's Muggle jeans. He pushed them down forcefully, slipping them over Michael's slim hips. He finally got them off and tossed them to the side.

Then he took some time to remove his own, all the while gathering his wits. He knew he couldn't let this distract him. He pulled off his own jeans and tossed them away as well then looked back at Michael.

His body was spread wantonly on the mattress, his leaking erection begging for attention. Blaise removed his boxers and climbed back up Michael's body.

"Got any lube?" he whispered in his ear. Michael nodded fervidly, indicating one of the bedside tables. Blaise reached over and opened the top drawer to find a tube of lubricant and quite a few condoms. Blaise grabbed the tube and a condom and slammed the drawer shut.

"Put it on me," he whispered in a husky voice. Michael took the condom and rolled it over Blaise's cock quite skillfully. Blaise supposed he must have had tons of practice. So much for being a respectable, law-abiding Ravenclaw.

Blaise took the lube, spreading liberal amounts over his fingers and cock. He raised Michael's legs up and placed the over his shoulders. Then he took a finger and pressed it into Michael's entrance, relishing in the gasp he received as he pressed it in further. He slid it in and out then added a second finger, making sure he was properly stretched.

He watched as Michael's face contorted in pleasure. Finally, he slid the fingers from the well-oiled entrance and replaced them with the head of his already leaking cock. He pushed in slowly, gritting his teeth as the hot sheath engulfed his cock.

Once he was fully buried in Michael's tight ass, he began to move. He slid in and out quite easily at first, slamming his hips hard against Michael's, ramming his cock into the hot body.

"Fucking hell, Chris!" Michael cried as Blaise moved ruthlessly, his hands bracing himself on either side of Michael's head.

He thrust into the tight body beneath his, gasping as the muscles clenched around his cock needily.

"Fuck, Michael-- you're so--" Blaise panted, unable to get out a full sentence as he slammed back into Michael's body.

His thrusts became more erratic as he felt his climax nearing. He didn't want to finish so soon but he couldn't control his body much longer. He pushed in harder and was surprised as Michael's hips slammed up to meet his, sending waves of heat all through his body.

Michael's breathing was heavy and sharp as Blaise moved in his body, brushing against that spot. He cried out, cursing, and his body convulsed as his erection overtook him. He came hard, shooting all over Blaise's taut stomach.

Blaise felt Michael cum and could no longer hold back as the muscles clenched around his cock, driving him to an explosive climax. He shot deep inside the dark-haired boy's body, feeling jolts of electricity run through his body.

His body shuddered as he came down from his high and he collapsed on the bed. They lay there together, breathing heavily for some time; each trying to gain back his common sense.

Blaise removed himself from Michael's body carefully. He turned over on the bed, reaching for something in his pants. Michael said nothing, staring at the ceiling, quite sated.

"Well, that was good," Blaise said conversationally after a moment and Michael looked at him, smiling slightly. "But I've had better."

There was a blinding flash of green and Michael lay completely still on the bed. Blaise spared him no glance as he pushed himself on the bed. He cast a Cleaning Spell on himself and the body on the bed.

He dressed quickly and went over to the desk. He broke Michael's Locking Charms and pulled out the paper bearing the Order of the Phoenix name. He shoved them into his pocket and turned around, looking at the boy on the bed.

His expression was one of confusion. Blaise just rolled his eyes and waved his wand again. The corpse was gone in a flourish, leaving only the empty bed. Blaise walked back over to the door, undid the wards, and stepped out into the darkness of the night.

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A/N: Well, it seems I'm not going to get this posted before July *sigh* but I'll continue anyway :) Please review!

obiah, fanfiction, h/d

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