Smokin' Hot chapter 7

May 23, 2007 17:28

Title: Smokin' Hot
Author: roxierose13
Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Draco/Harry
Disclaimer: I solemnly swear that I do not own Harry Potter and/or any other characters used in this fic. They are all property of J.K. Rowling.
Warnings: Rim, oral, angst
Summary: AU, no magic. Desperately needing a break from class, Harry retreats to the bathroom only to find something he never expected but is more than willing to accept.
A/N: This fic was just nominated for Best AU fic over at Quills to Parchment! This makes me so happy. I've never been nominated for anything before :D

Reread: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


“He likes you.”

Draco turned from the balcony, crushing his cigarette in the ash tray. He glanced at the figure sitting in the low chair, her feet resting on the edge of the balcony.

“How much?” Draco asked.

“From what I can tell, a lot, though he won’t say it. He thinks he can change you.”

“Some nerve,” Draco commented calmly. “What makes him think that?”

“Not sure. He seemed pretty confident about it, though.”

Draco paused for a moment, looking back to the sky that was gilded gold and orange as the sun set behind the trees, beyond which was Blaise’s house.

“How much longer do I have to keep this up?” the person in the chair asked impatiently. “I’m getting fucking sick of pretending to like that ass Dudley. He’s disgusting. Go do your own dirty work, Draco.”

Draco raised an eyebrow and looked at the girl, his eyes traveling over her dark, wavy hair and her hazel eyes that were narrowed angrily. “Eva,” he said calmly. “You’re doing this as a favor to me, remember?”

Eva scowled. “Well, I’m fucking sick of this. Mark’s not going to put up with it much longer either. You do remember Mark, my boyfriend?” She glared at Draco. “He’s already pissed because my dad caught us last week and I wasn’t allowed to see him for a week.”

“That’s your own fault,” Draco drawled, taking out another cigarette and lighting it with a careless flick.

Eva stood up, still glowering at Draco. She walked up close to him, her hands on her hips. “You listen here, Draco. I’ve been your friend for a long time, and you certainly have problems. If you like this guy, and we know he likes you, don’t be an ass. Besides,” she said calmly, standing up straighter, a mischievous glint in her eye, “who said you had to be his boyfriend? I know he’s sweet, but that’s not your type. If you want to get rid of him, what’s the best way? Ignore him? Or give him exactly what he wants?”

Draco held her challenging gaze for a moment before he broke it and looked away, taking a long drag of his cigarette. “Give him what he wants, eh? Now, Eva, wouldn’t that be considered wrong and deceitful?” His tone was drawling and interested.

Eva turned to stand next to him as he leaned against the balcony railing. A small smirk graced her features. “I don’t believe we would be friends if we weren’t.” She glanced over at him, her eyes sparkling. “Have a little fun, Draco! Go fuck him or whatever.”

Draco raised an amused eyebrow and took another drag of the cigarette, watching the white smoke vanish in the breeze that whipped past. “You just want out of this, don’t you?”

“Well, if it gets me away from that fat-ass cousin of his, all the better I say,” she said sincerely, reaching over and grabbing the cigarette from Draco and taking a drag. “So am I free? Will you go fuck his brains out and break his heart? At least then I can stop going over there.”

Draco smirked, taking the cigarette back. “Simply because I like you, yeah, my poor Eva. You’re off the hook.”

“Thank God,” she muttered, and Draco laughed.

Just then Draco heard his bedroom door open and he heaved an annoyed sigh. He turned around, intending to tell off the person who’d entered without knocking.

“Draco!” It was Blaise, so Draco just rolled his eyes instead. “You mother said you were up-” He cut himself off as he caught sight of Eva. “What are you doing here?” he asked her. “You’re not allowed to leave the house except for school. Dad’s going to be mad.” He walked over to the doorway to the balcony and leaned against it casually, crossing his arms over his chest as he waited for her response.

“I’m well aware of what Dad’s going to say, Blaise,” Eva replied snidely, glaring at her twin. “And he doesn’t know I’m here. I was about to leave anyway.” She walked over to him. “Can I borrow your car?”

“No!” Blaise replied stubbornly. Draco just rolled his eyes as he watched the siblings interact.

He had lived next to Blaise and Eva pretty much his entire life. They were twins, and only vaguely looked it. They had the same color hair and eyes and their noses were the same shape, but other than that, they were fairly different. Blaise wasn’t nearly as ruthless as Eva when it came to getting what he wanted. He preferred to be more laid back.

The only times Draco had seen Blaise stand his ground was when his father had tried to force him to join the men’s club, and when his father had tried to force him to go to private school with Eva. Blaise had refused and stayed in the public school with Draco. Otherwise, Blaise was pretty compliant, though he did have his moments of stubbornness, mainly when his sister was around.

They usually got along fairly well, but they had fights like all siblings do. He and Eva clashed on many things, usually petty things, but clashing nonetheless.

Draco listened as they continued to bicker. Finally, he’d had enough. He tossed away his cigarette and turned to them. “Hey,” he interrupted them, “shut up. Eva, go home before Blaise explodes. And, Blaise,” he said before Blaise could bitch at him. “Stay here and I’ll make it worth your while.”

Blaise looked intrigued, and Eva shook her head, rolling her eyes disgustedly.

“Fine,” Eva said grudgingly. “Don’t forget what I said, Draco.” She turned then and left the room, holding her head haughtily in the air.

Blaise just rolled his eyes and turned back to Draco. “What was she doing here?”

“Don’t worry, Blaise,” Draco said dismissively, watching as Blaise now took Eva’s vacated seat. “You’re still my best friend.”

Blaise scoffed. “Now why is it worth my while?”

Draco paused for a moment, watching the last golden rays of the sun sink below the trees on the border of the property. “Eva gave me an idea-” He ignored Blaise’s scoff and continued. “-about Potter. Since he doesn’t seem to want to give up, I thought I might just give in.”

“What?!” Blaise exclaimed.

“Don’t get excited,” Draco drawled. “It’s just the best way to get rid of something is to give in, wouldn’t you say? Give him what he wants and he’ll see what he really wants… a good train ride out of Hell.”

Blaise’s eyebrows were furrowed as he looked at Draco, trying to work out what he was saying. “You mean you’re going to sleep with him?”

“That’s right, Blaise,” Draco said casually.

“And how the hell does that benefit you?”

“Well, for one, I get sex whenever I want with no strings attached,” he was interrupted here by Blaise, who cleared his throat loudly. “Besides you, I mean. Plus Potter will understand eventually that I don’t want him and will give up.”

“And you’re sure this will work?” Blaise drawled sarcastically.

“If it doesn’t, then at least I got something out of it. Who gives a fuck about him?”

“Well, Granger might,” Blaise added.

Draco rolled his eyes. “What’s she going to do to me? Hell, this year is almost over. Just a few more months and I’m out of here.”

Blaise didn’t say anything, though his expression was skeptical. It didn’t sound like the best idea to him, but he knew Draco was far too stubborn to listen to anything he had to say. Instead, he stood up, wandering casually over to Draco and slipping his arms around his waist and resting his chin on his shoulder. “So,” he said slyly, running a hand under Draco’s shirt. “Want to have a little fun before you get all tied down?”

Draco smirked as they stood looking over the balcony. “I was thinking you would be the one tied down.” He turned around and, grinning, led Blaise away from the balcony and into the bedroom just as the last rays of the sun dipped below the horizon.


If I go crazy,
Then will you still call me Superman?
If I’m alive and well,
Will you be there holding my hand?
I’ll keep you by my side with my superhuman-
My Kryptoni-

“’Lo?” Harry’s voice was groggy, and he nearly knocked the glass on his nightstand over as he groped for his ringing phone.

“Potter.” A soft, masculine voice floated through the receiver, and Harry shot upright.

“Malfoy?” he asked, unable to believe who was on the other end of the phone. “What-How did you get my number?”

“It’s not that hard, Potter.” Draco’s drawling voice came through the other end.

Harry was in momentary shock as he sat in his bed amidst the crumpled sheets. Of all the things he had never thought would happen, having Draco Malfoy call him at nine in the morning on a Saturday was one of them. He didn’t know what to say. What should he say? Thank you for calling me, I thought you hated me? Somehow, he didn’t think that would go over too well.

He quickly tried to compose himself, knowing that Draco was probably sitting on the other end, waiting impatiently for him to say something.

“Malfoy,” he said finally, “what do you want?”

He hoped he sounded calmer than he felt. He could literally feel his heart beating against his chest, almost as if it was trying to escape. He knew he had to be calm or Draco might reconsider whatever reason he had called him for.

He heard Draco give a low laugh. It sounded amused, but Harry wasn’t absolutely sure.

“I want a lot of things, Potter. The question is can you give it to me, and if you can, what are you willing to sacrifice?”

“I… don’t understand,” Harry said slowly. What would he have to sacrifice in order to get Draco? Besides perhaps even more of Hermione’s respect…

“You want me, right, Potter?” Draco’s voice was crisp and to the point.

Harry was taken aback at the forwardness of the question and struggled to answer it coherently. “Yeah, I guess.”

“You guess? You better be damn sure. I’m not going to waste precious fuck time on someone who doesn’t care.”

“Wait,” Harry said after a minute. “What are we talking about here?”

“It’s simple, Potter,” Draco said. “I’m bored. You’re there. Understand?”

“You mean you want…” Harry said slowly as it dawned on him. Draco wanted another fuck-buddy. Had he gotten tired of Blaise already?

Harry was silent for a moment as he thought it over. Having Draco as a “companion” would certainly have its benefits, if only the sex. But Harry thought there was more. If he could get into Draco’s world, he might be able to prove to him that a real relationship wasn’t a bad thing. Wasn’t this what he had wanted? An opportunity to change Draco? Draco was offering him the perfect opportunity to put his experiment into motion.

“Potter, are you there? You didn’t die, did you?” Draco’s drawling voice jolted Harry out of this thought process, and he realized Draco was still waiting for an answer.

“Yeah, I’m here,” he said quickly. “Malfoy, you want to ‘mess around’?”

“Got a problem with that, Potter?”

“No,” Harry replied swiftly, for fear that Draco might take it back. “I just thought… What about Blaise?”

“He understands,” Draco said simply.


“Of course.”

“Well, in that case, I guess we could,” Harry said, trying not to make it sound like he was too eager. He wasn’t sure if he hid it well enough, though.

“Wonderful.” Harry could practically hear the smirk in Draco’s voice. “I’ll see you on Monday, Potter. Don’t forget your detention.”

Harry was so elated that the mention of the detention barely pricked him. He bid Draco goodbye and hung up the phone, a huge smile spreading across his face. He lay back down on his bed, grinning at the ceiling. Everything was going perfectly.

A second later, he heard a loud shriek and something that sounded like a beached whale. He leapt from his bed and threw open his bedroom door, searching for the source of the noise. He found it coming from Dudley’s bedroom.

He was about to go in when he was pushed haphazardly out of the way as Petunia and Vernon came tearing into the room.

“What is it, Poppkins?” Petunia simpered.

Harry poked his head in to find a very odd scene. Dudley was sitting on the floor, his face scrunched up, much like he had done when he was younger and having a fake tantrum. Only this time, it looked almost real.

“What happened, Dudley?” Vernon prodded his son urgently.

“Sh-she broke up with me!” he wailed, huge tears leaking down his face as his mother gathered as much as she could of him in her arms.

“Who, Diddykins?” she asked.


Harry heard this and couldn’t stop the grin that came back to his face. He slipped away before anyone could see him and went down to the kitchen, taking the steps two at a time, grinning all the way.

Yes, this day just kept on getting better and better.

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A/N: Amazing news! This fic has been nominated for Best AU fic over at Quills to Parchment. I'm so happy! Thanks for reading and I'm so glad you guys enjoy! Please review!

smokin' hot, fanfiction, h/d

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