(no subject)

Jan 25, 2007 12:49

Title: Fantasy (Part 3 of 3)
Author: roxierose13 (me)
Rating: R
Complete: Yes
Disclaimer: I don't own them and make no money :(
Pairing: Hermione/Blaise
Summary: Blaise fantasizes about something he can never have, then decides to do something about it.
A/N: Okay, so I couldn't help myself and wrote a third chapter. This is the end, I swear. No really, I do. :)

It’s been a week since Hermione made that fateful agreement with one, Blaise Zabini. Since then, she has been thinking a lot about it. She spends her afternoons in the library, trying and failing to study for her N.E.W.Ts. Every once in a while, she glances at the dark corner that Blaise used to inhabit.

She knows this is what she wants, but she finds it hard keeping it a secret. Harry and Ron have yet to cotton on. They never question why she seems to be spending even more time than usual in the library. Of course, she isn’t really in the library, but they don’t know that.

She usually sneaks off to find Blaise in an abandoned corridor on the 5th floor. They talk sometimes, and sometimes go a little further. Hermione knows Blaise is being patient with her, but it’s only been a week, after all. She appreciates that he doesn’t try to pressure her like some others might.

She isn’t quite sure why she hasn’t told Ron or Harry yet. She knows they deserve to know the truth, and she doesn’t feel right hiding it from them. She and Blaise decided that they wanted to wait a little before telling anyone. It just didn’t seem right to tell people before they were even sure.

Right now, Hermione is sitting at her usual table in the library, pretending to review Achievements in Charming but she can’t seem to focus. Her mind is elsewhere as it so often is these days.

At length, she sets down the book with a sigh and grabs a piece of parchment instead, intending to organize her week so that she actually gets some studying done. She’s halfway through Wednesday when she feels a slight wind rustle behind her. She turns but doesn’t see anyone.

She frowns and turns back to the front and is surprised to find Blaise sitting in the seat next to her.

“Blaise,” she whispers, careful to keep her voice low in case anyone is listening. Madam Pince is shuffling a few shelves away, reshelving books. “What are you doing?”

Blaise shifts his chair closer with a quick glance around. “I’m not allowed to visit my girlfriend,” he says the word with a slight emphasis as though he’s not used to it and not sure he likes it, “in the library?”

“Not when the two biggest gossips are sitting a few tables away,” Hermione hisses, jerking her head to where Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown sit, their eyes resting intently on Hermione and Blaise.

Hermione scoots her chair away quickly with a pleading glance at Blaise, who rolls his eyes and sits up straight.

“Well, Granger,” he says, his voice a bit louder than before. Hermione knows Parvati and Lavender are listening in as hard as their ears will let them. “You’re absolutely no help. How they can call you intelligent is beyond me.” He stands up and looks down at Hermione. “I’d be much better off asking Draco for help.” Then he turns and leaves, sweeping past Lavender, who’s shoved her hand against her mouth to stop from giggling.

As soon as Blaise is gone and the door swung shut, she and Parvati burst out in loud giggles. Hermione rolls her eyes and scowls, rolling up her parchment a little more violently than necessary. She shoves it in her bag and packs away her books a little more carefully.

Swinging it over her shoulder, she stands up and leaves, walking past Parvati and Lavender, who are still giggling and whispering behind their hands.

“Hey, Hermione,” Parvati calls as she walks by. Hermione stops, turning around slowly with an unpleasant look on her face. “What was Zabini doing?”

“He wanted help with Arithmancy, but he’s too dimwitted to understand anything I tried to tell him,” Hermione replies in her best disdainful tone.

“Are you sure he wasn’t hitting on you?” Parvati asks while Lavender giggles uncontrollably beside her.

“Why would he hit on her?” Lavender chokes out between laughs. “He’s the most gorgeous guy in school, he can get anyone he wants.”

“Are you saying that I’m not good enough for him?” Hermione asks, bristling slightly.

“Well, no,” Lavender says, giggling, “but what would he want with you?”

“Maybe he he’s not as vapid as the two of you and actually cares about intelligence, not how short someone’s skirt is,” she says angrily, glaring at the two of them.

They both look shocked and quickly check the length of their skirts. When they look up, Hermione’s hair is whipping out the door and they huff.

Hermione rolls her eyes as she stalks down the corridor. It’s time like these that she wishes she could tell them, just to wipe those smug smiles off their faces.

She’s not paying attention as she walks down the corridor from the library. Instead, she’s making a list of all the things she’d like to do to Parvati and Lavender if she had the chance. She’s grumbling to herself as she stalks past a large vase hidden away in a corner of the hallway.

As she passes it, a hand catches her wrist and pulls her into the shadow, concealed by the vase. She can’t see much in the dark, but knows who it is. She feels a soft kiss on her cheek and she smiles. The kiss is followed by a hand sliding down her side and around her waist, tugging her forward as the lips descend on her own.

His lips are soft and warm, and his tongue dips into her mouth briefly as she kisses back. Her hands are sliding over his shoulders and around his neck. He licks her lower lip as his hand carefully tugs her shirt from where it’s tucked into her skirt. She shivers as his fingers glide over her lower back; they’re slightly cold.

She ignores it, though, throwing herself into the kiss as it grows in intensity. His tongue is in her mouth, hot and wet, sliding over her tongue and teeth. She feels like she’s running out of breath as he kisses her fervently.

A muffled moan slips from her as he presses his body closer. She loves the way he feels; his body so solid and warm. Her hands are holding him close, loving the way this feels.

At long last, he pulls away, breathing hard, his lips slightly swollen. They stand in the shadow of the vase, slowly regaining their breath. Blaise pulls her to him, placing a kiss just below her ear.

“So I’m too dimwitted to understand what you’d teach me?” he whispers, running a hand through her dark hair.

“And you’d rather get Malfoy to teach you?” Hermione responds, closing her eyes at his touch.

“Well, at least with Draco, I wouldn’t be distracted,” Blaise murmurs, sliding his hand up under her shirt, almost to the clasp of her bra.

She giggles but grabs his hand, stalling it just below the clasp. She gives him a half-withering look. He gives her a quick kiss instead and drops his hand. The kiss degenerates into a series of kisses and soon she is pressed against the wall once more.

Her hand is sliding to the hem of his shirt that was just recently untucked when she freezes. Blaise senses something is wrong and lifts his head from her neck where he’d been busy leaving a very noticeable mark.


“Shh!” Hermione hisses, not moving a muscle. Blaise stops and listens.

Now he can hear voices coming down the corridor, getting louder as they come closer.

“Where’s Hermione?” a male voice asks.

“I think she’s in the library.”

“Again?” Blaise recognizes the speaker as Ron and knows why Hermione isn’t moving. “She bloody lives there nowadays!”

“Well, you know, N.E.W.Ts and all,” the other boy says. Blaise can tell it’s Harry.

“Well, yeah, Harry,” Ron says as they walk down the corridor towards the staircase. “But she has to eat sometime. You don’t think she’s sick or something, do you?”

“No, if she was sick, she’d be in the Hospital Wing,” Harry says.

Blaise watches intently as the two boys keep walking, not even sparing a glance at the shadowy corner in which they’re currently hiding. He can feel Hermione’s hand on his torso trembling slightly. He reaches for it and squeezes it reassuringly. He can feel her tension.

“I think we should ask her anyway,” Ron says, “tonight at dinner. Something must be…” His voice trails away as they turn a corner and disappear in the distance.

Hermione lets out a small breath and takes a deeper breath to calm her nerves. She feels bad for keeping it from Ron and Harry, especially if they think she’s sick.


She looks up at Blaise as she hears her name.

“Do you want to tell them?”

“Well, no, but yes…” she says, feeling confused. “I just feel bad keeping this from them.”

Blaise looks at her intently. He doesn’t quite understand the relationship she has with Ron and Harry, nor does he really care. However, if this is going to be an obstacle, he figures it’s best to deal with it now.

He leans down, placing his lips inches from her ear. “If you really want to, it’s okay with me.”

She shudders from his breath on her ear and takes a moment to think it over. In a way, she finds this exciting and a part of her says what’s the harm in keeping it a secret for just a little bit longer?

“Well,” she says slowly, her hand finally moving on its own again and playing with the hem of his shirt. She glances up and catches his eyes, her mouth curling into a small smirk that he finds so attractive on her. “We don’t have to yet. I mean, we could just be more careful.”

“Right, careful,” Blaise murmurs, leaning down and kissing her again.

They part sometime later, Hermione rearranging her clothes and tucking in the shirt Blaise so unceremoniously untucked earlier. She tries to fix her hair, but finds it difficult with no mirror. Now that it’s tamed down, it’s easier to tell when it’s messy. In the end, she scoops it into a messy pony tail, hoping that will hide its disarray.

She uses her wand to conceal the red mark on her neck and turns to Blaise, who’s tucking his shirt back in also. He sweeps his hair back with a dashing air and gives Hermione his trademark Slytherin smirk™.

She rolls her eyes fondly and steps back, tentatively reaching up and moving a piece out of his eyes. He takes her hand as she drops it to her side and leans down to give her a soft kiss.

“Meet me tonight after dinner,” he whispers before letting go of her hand and stepping swiftly out of the shadows and down the corridor.

She sighs and takes one more minute to make sure all her articles of clothing are in the right spot. Blaise’s hands tend to wander during these meetings and she finds at least one button always comes undone.

After making sure that everything is correct, she grabs her bag from the floor and follows the path Blaise took, making for the Great Hall. Her watch tells her that it’s almost time for dinner.

She’s not looking forward to dinner, what with the prospect of Ron and Harry grilling her on her health and new study habits. She doesn’t know what to say to them, so she mainly tries to keep quiet, only giving vague answers.

When she gets to the Great Hall, she’s immediately flagged by the two of them, and makes her way toward them. She keeps her eyes straight forward, resisting the urge to look over at the Slytherin table where she knows Blaise is sitting with Malfoy.

She sits down next to Harry and begins to load her plate with chicken and potatoes. She ignores the looks Harry and Ron are giving her, instead concentrating on her plate. She knows they’re about a second away from demanding what’s been going on with her.

She’s right as Ron leans over a few minutes later, his voice low and conspiratory. “Hermione,” he whispers, even though there’s no one sitting nearby aside from Neville, who’s having a time of it with the salt shaker, and not listening. “Are you sick? ‘Cause the other day, you were acting weird and now you’re never around. Did someone curse you? I’ll get them if they did!” he said, brandishing his wand furiously, looking around as though someone would be standing right behind them.

Hermione sighs and places a hand on Ron’s arm, lowering the wand and getting his attention. “No, Ron,” she says, “I’m not sick. I’ve just been studying a lot. You know N.E.W.Ts are soon. I can’t believe you haven’t been studying more! You know it’s the most important exam we’re going to take.”

Ron looks put back in his place and shies away from her. She feels bad for using such methods, but knows they work. Harry, on the other hand, doesn’t look completely convinced. His eyebrows have come together and he’s watching her carefully.

She ignores his gaze and continues eating, not daring to glance up at Blaise when she knows Harry is watching. The rest of the meal is spent in awkward silence with Ron hanging his head and Harry watching her intently.

At the end of the meal, she rises, intending to go drop off her things before she meets up with Blaise. As they are walking along the seventh floor, Harry trails behind slightly, grabbing Hermione’s arm before she goes through the portrait hole after Ron.

He pulls her to the side and looks around furtively before turning to her. She waits with an impatient air.

“Hermione,” he says seriously, “I know you, and you’re not telling us the truth.” She sighs and avoids his eyes. “What’s going on? Is it something bad? You know you can tell us.”

“It’s nothing, Harry,” she says dismissively, moving around him. “Really,” she adds when he just stands there. “I’m perfectly fine. Besides, you shouldn’t be worrying about me, you should be worrying about your Potion’s grade.”

Harry has the decency to look guilty and sighs. “I guess, but if there was something wrong, you’d tell us, right?”

“Of course,” Hermione responds, giving the password and waiting for him to climb through. She clambers in after him and walks over to the stairs to her dormitory. “I’m fine. Don’t worry.”

She leaves Harry still looking uneasy and disappears up the stairs. She winces a little as she thinks of what she’s just told him, the lie she just told him. She knows she shouldn’t be lying to him, but she can’t help wanting to keep this a secret, if only for a little while, not to mention, she’s fearful of what Harry might do if he found out she was dating a Slytherin.

She sets down her book bag, and instead of going back downstairs, checks to make sure that she’s alone before checking her image quickly. She takes down her hair and runs a brush through the dark waves. She wishes she knew how to style it better, but she never learned. She guesses she could always ask Parvati and Lavender, but the thought makes her cringe.

Instead, she’s left to her own devices. She merely brushes it and tries to make it look nice. She adjusts her clothes and puts on a bit of lip-gloss before sneaking back downstairs.

She peeks around the corner, seeing that Ron and Harry are sitting in the armchairs beside the fire. The third chair sits empty, as though waiting for her. She makes sure they’re dually occupied with homework or Wizard’s Chess or whatever it is they’re doing.

After another glance around the room, she sees an opportunity and sneaks past all the students either doing homework or playing games. She manages to slip past them unseen and out the portrait hole. She lets out a relieved breath as she climbs out and shuts it behind her.

Sneaking out is not an easy task, especially when it’s not even past curfew yet. Many people are still roaming the corridors, heading for the library, or common rooms. Hermione has a time of it slipping past most of them. She pretends she’s heading for the library until she reaches it, then slips past, taking a hidden passage down to the first floor.

Once she makes it past the Entrance Hall, she takes the door to the dungeons and vanishes into the dark of the corridor. She walks through the dimly lit corridors until she come to a lone, empty classroom.

She slips inside, shutting the door carefully behind her before turning around. As soon as the lock clicks shut and she turns, she’s pushed against the cold, metal door by a warm, tall body.

She looks up at Blaise and smiles. “Nice to see you too.”

His hands slide down to her waist and he guides her over to a desk, which she climbs onto quite easily. Positioning himself in between her legs as she sits on the desk, he places his hands on either side of her, leaning in.

“So, did Potter and Weasley accuse you of being sick?” he asks with a little amusement in his voice.

“Yes,” Hermione sighs, running a hand over the front of Blaise’s collared shirt, part of the uniform he hasn’t bothered to change out of yet. “Sometimes I want to tell them, but other times I don’t.”

“Want to keep me all to yourself, eh?” Blaise asks, leaning in and pressing a kiss to her lips.

“Partially,” she says when he pulls away. “And partially because I’m scared of what Ron might do. Did you see him at dinner tonight? He nearly cursed Neville at just the mention of someone.”

Blaise nods and puts his hands on her waist, pulling her closer. “I think I could handle him,” he says, moving closer and placing a kiss to her neck, flicking his tongue over her skin. He can smell her perfume. It smells like a mix of citrus and something sweet he can’t place.

Her eyes drift close as his mouth moves over her neck, his teeth nibbling the soft skin. His hand is slowly untucking the shirt she so meticulously fixed before coming to see him. He thinks she looks better a little ruffled.

Hermione feels those unfamiliar butterflies in her stomach as his hand moves under the light cotton fabric and runs across her stomach. She’s not too self-conscious, but she doesn’t think she has the best body. His body, on the other hand, is perfectly sculpted. She’s pretty sure she could stare at it all day and not get tired of running her hands over those trim muscles of his stomach.

Blaise thinks she’s perfect, even if she’s not stick thin like some girls in the school. He doesn’t like that look anyway, like they’ve been starved. His hand travels across her midsection and around her back again, resting on her lower back as he kisses her neck, leaving another mark she’s going to have to Glamour later.

Her leg is wrapped around his as she sits on the desk and he stands before her.

“Oh, Blaise,” she says softly as he moves higher, pulling her earlobe into his mouth.

His tongue flicks over the lobe before he lets it go and he leans in close, his hot breath ghosting over her neck. He can feel her shiver from his closeness. “Want to go somewhere more comfortable?” he asks, brushing her hair back from her ear with his free hand.

“Like where?” she asks, her mind focusing more on his hands rather than his words.

“Like my dorm,” he replies quietly, brushing his lips over her jaw. He knows she’s falling to his charms.

“How are we going to get in?” she asks, wondering how exactly he plans to sneak her past a common room of Slytherins.

He steps back from her, reaching into his back pocket. He comes out with a cloak made of silvery material that falls to the floor as if in a puddle.

“How did you get an Invisibility Cloak?” she asks, astonished.

He shrugs. “Borrowed it from Draco.”

She gives him a doubtful look and he rolls his eyes, using his hand to pull her off the table and upright. “Borrowed, took without asking, same thing, really.”

She looks like she’s about to lecture him on the proper way of asking for things, but he stops her with a kiss. He throws the cloak around them and pulls away, giving her a loveable smile at the frown she gives him.

“Don’t ask, just enjoy,” he says suavely.

Together, they walk slowly, making sure to keep their feet covered in the cloak, down the dungeon corridors. He leads her down a few passageways until they reach a long stretch of blank wall, across from which is a portrait of the Garden of Eden. Eve sits beneath the tree as a green serpent winds around the trunk.

Blaise ignores the painting and turns to the opposite wall. “Salacious,” he says and the wall slides back to reveal a large common room full of high backed chairs covered in green fabric. Green and silver draped fabrics hang from the walls and fires flicker in the few grates.

Blaise doesn’t allow Hermione to observe as much as she would like. Instead, he tugs her towards a doorway that leads down another short corridor. Leading off this are other doors to the different years’ dormitories. At the very end of the corridor is a door that reads “Seventh Years.”

Blaise opens this door and together they go in, letting it shut behind them. Hermione feels very out of place down here.

The dorm looks much like the Gryffindor boy’s dorm, she notices, with four beds, all hung with green hangings and sheets. The trunks sit at the end of each bed and each bed has a small table.

Blaise guides her over to his bed, which looks nicer than two of the beds. The hangings are open and she can see that his sheets are richer than the rest. The comforter looks plusher and the pillows fluffier.

She notices that another bed on the other side of the room has similar dressings. She guesses that must be Malfoy’s.

After a quick glance around, Blaise takes off the cloak and tosses it to the side. He holds back the curtain and gives a mock bow. “After you, m’lady,” he says, waiting for Hermione to go inside.

“Such a gentlemen,” she mocks playfully, climbing onto the bed carefully. She was right, the comforter is very plush and she feels like she’s sitting on a cloud as she positions herself sitting near the head of the bed.

He climbs in after, letting the heavy hangings fall shut behind him. Hermione is suddenly aware of how dark it is and how close she is to Blaise. She’s in his dorm, on his bed, for Merlin’s sake.

Luckily, a light flares up and she sees a small bubble of soft, yellow light rising to the ceiling, much like they have in St. Mungos. She can see now and feels a little better.

He must be able to sense her reluctance because he scoots closer to her and sets a hand comfortingly on her knee. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” he says seriously.

She nods and shifts to lie down on the bed on her back, making sure her skirt is pulled down. She still feels slightly uncomfortable. She’s never done this before with a boy. She doesn’t know what to do, and hopes he really means what he says.

He lies down beside her, his hand now resting on her stomach. He shifts closer and she turns her head towards him. He gives her a slow kiss, coaxing her into response, using his tongue to convince her she’s safe.

She responds slowly, her eyes closing and trying not to think about the situation. She feels him shift to a better angle to continue the kiss. The upper half of his body is pressed against her side and she’s turned her body towards him.

His hand brushes over her cheek as he kisses her slowly. It drifts back into her hair, tangling in the dark locks. His tongue slides into her mouth, running over her teeth and lower lip. He bites down softly on her bottom lip, earning himself a small, surprised gasp.

He intensifies the kiss, pressing his mouth harder to hers. His leg slides in between her thighs slowly, carefully. He doesn’t want to scare her. His hand moves from her hair, stroking down a long strand until it reaches the end and keeps moving. It slides down her arm and over the curve of her body.

She’s making small noises, and he wishes she wouldn’t if she wants to go slow. He doesn’t think his body can take it. He can already feel himself growing hard at the feel of her body against his. He tries to control it and is successful for the moment.

He shifts his body closer again so they’re practically pressed up against each other. His hand is resting casually at her waist, but is itching to slide under her shirt again. Instead, he concentrates on kissing her, trying to respect her wishes.

Their mouths slide together in a melding of tongues. His tongue is hot and wet as it slides into her mouth. He sucks on her lower lip, garnering a soft moan. He feels his cock jump again, and tries to control it.

Finally, he can’t take it and his hand moves up her front, sliding up her flat stomach and over the soft swell of her breasts. It finds the top button of the white shirt and slowly undoes it. He reaches in, running his hands over the soft skin of her neck and chest. He can feel the rise and fall of it with her breaths that are far quicker than normal.

He feels her shifting, moving closer, and knows she feels more comfortable now. His leg is between her thighs and he’s completely hard now, he can’t help it. He doesn’t care if she knows it either.

The kiss is no longer slow and leisurely. Now, it’s more like the first time they kissed; needy and hard. Her hand is on his neck as he thrusts his tongue into her mouth. She responds with just as much fervor, kissing back harshly. It’s not a finessed kiss, but real and wanted.

Blaise’s hand has undone the next few buttons of Hermione’s blouse and he can see her bra peeking out from the folds of the shirt when he breaks the kiss for air a few seconds later. It’s white with lace and tiny pink flowers embroidered on it. It’s very feminine, he thinks.

Looking back at Hermione, she looks uncertain, but determined at the same time. He forgoes touching her for a second to give her a reassuring kiss. He moves his hand down to slide under her shirt and up her back.

He can feel her relaxing and his hand moves slowly. He doesn’t want to freak her out. His hand is about a centimeter away from the clasp on her bra when there’s a noise from the room beyond. It sounds like a door opening and slamming shut and two people falling into the room.

Blaise breaks away from Hermione for a second, placing a finger to his lips in a sign to be quiet. He listens carefully for a moment as more scuffled movement comes from the room beyond the hangings.

“Just… take it… off,” comes a halted sentence. Blaise rolls his eyes and mouths to Hermione, “Draco.”

She nods and stays still. They wait a few more seconds as more bumps and shuffles sound in the room. There are a few exclamations of pain and some none too painful moans. Blaise gives Hermione a look before opening the hangings just enough to look out.

“Draco,” he says indignantly, “you’re not the only one in this dorm, take your jilted lov-Potter?”

Hermione sits up almost immediately, forgetting about the situation. She pulls the hangings back further so she can see. She’s shocked to see Harry pinned to the wall beneath Malfoy, his hair messy and his clothes mussed.

“Harry?!” she exclaims and he looks taken aback.


Draco looks pissed. “Yes, we all know who the other is.”

“What are you doing here?” Harry and Hermione ask at the same time.

Hermione stares at Harry as he blushes and mumbles something about Draco and accident and don’t tell Ron. Then Harry looks at Hermione, determination in his eyes.

“What are you doing here?”

Hermione is suddenly very aware that the top of her shirt is unbuttoned. She grabs the fabric and holds it closed, feeling embarrassed.

“I was just… studying,” she says finally.

Harry scoffs, pushing Draco a little away from him, much to Draco’s displeasure. “So this is what you’ve been studying. I don’t think Ron would approve.”

“Oh, Ron wouldn’t approve of me?” she shoots back. She can feel Blaise’s hand on her back, telling her not to get too upset. “What about you? I’m not the one shagging Malfoy.”

Harry blushes slightly, but isn’t giving up that easy. “Well, what are you doing in Zabini’s bed?”

“N-nothing,” she stutters.

She’s saved by Draco, who’s grown bored listening to the proceedings. He grabs Harry’s hand and Harry blushes slightly. “Come on, Potter, let’s get out of here.” He grabs Harry’s Invisibility Cloak from the floor and strides toward the door, Harry in tow.

Just before he reaches the door, Draco turns back to Blaise. “And I know you took my Invisibility Cloak.” Then he’s gone and they’re alone again.

Blaise turns to Hermione, a look of amused shock on his face. “Well, that was interesting.”

She gives a small laugh and moves away from the edge of the bed. He follows, letting the hangings swing shut behind him.

He lies down on the bed and she settles in beside him comfortably, drawing a lazy pattern on his chest. He leans over and kisses her softly, pulling her closer and breathing in her unique scent. It isn’t long before they’re asleep and the soft, glowing light above them extinguishes on its own.

When they wake in the morning, rumors have already started to circulate that two Gryffindors have ventured into the Snake Pit. Ron is furious, and after much shouting, is seen pouting on the edge of the grounds. Hermione is settled comfortably with Blaise in the dark corner of the library that he once used to watch her, but now uses to hide their less than savory actions while Madam Pince noses around. Harry is seen with Draco around the school, receiving more detentions than ever, and all is right with the world.

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A/N: Okay, it's really done this time. Really. No more :) But please review! I love to hear what you guys think :)

fanfiction, hermione/blaise

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