Late-Night Study Session [klaine, nc-17, standalone]

Nov 17, 2011 22:25

Title: Late Night Study Session
Author: silver_etoile
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. It all belongs to Glee and its creators.
Summary: Kurt didn’t even know that the college library closed. He’d just sort of assumed they were perpetually open for students cramming for last-minute exams or writing papers they should have started weeks ago. He never knew that after two AM, the stacks got dark, the doors were locked, and everyone went home. Everyone but them.
A/N: for silverdragon87. i swear, she's the only reason i do this.


Kurt didn’t even know that the college library closed. He’d just sort of assumed they were perpetually open for students cramming for last-minute exams or writing papers they should have started weeks ago. He never knew that after two AM, the stacks got dark, the doors were locked, and everyone went home.

Everyone but them.

“Blaine,” he gasped, a hand flying to the shelf down by his waist. A book wobbled dangerously and he prayed it wasn’t an encyclopedia. He didn’t even know what section they were in, but he supposed it really didn’t matter considering Blaine’s hands were on his hips, pinning them against the stacks as he ran his tongue over the length of Kurt’s cock.

Blaine didn’t respond, eyes flicking up, meeting Kurt’s through the darkness, and Kurt could swear he smirked.

Cursing under his breath, Kurt tipped his head back, staring up at the dark ceiling and concentrating on breathing, sharp and elevated as Blaine slipped his mouth down, enveloping his cock in a hot, wet slide that made his toes curl, a whine escape his throat.

Blaine moaned softly, moving slowly up and down and listening to the noises Kurt tried to keep quiet.

Reaching down, Blaine palmed himself through his pants, whimpering slightly, but continuing the steady rhythm on Kurt’s prick. He was hard, had been since he’d pushed Kurt up against the row of teetering tomes and jerked his pants open.

For all the layers Kurt wore, Blaine was always pleased when there was nothing but skin after his pants.

“Blaine, Blaine,” Kurt said, voice high and breathy, reaching for his hair and trying to tug him away as his stomach tightened and a lick of heat curled up the base of his spine.

“Mmm,” Blaine murmured around his prick, sucking harder until Kurt’s legs started to shake and he tugged at his hair urgently.

“I’m gonna,” he started to say, biting his bottom lip, but Blaine pulled away suddenly, and he let out a choked breath, swallowing hard as he glanced down.

Blaine’s mouth was shiny and wet in the faint light coming from the window at the end of the aisle. He stared up at Kurt with big eyes, pupils big and full of something that sent a shiver down Kurt’s spine.

Still unbearably hard, Kurt shifted, back pressed against the stacks, and he let out a slow breath.

Licking his lips, Blaine rose from the floor, hand pushing at the erection in his pants and his eyelashes fluttered as he glanced upward at Kurt.

“Fuck me,” he whispered finally, falling into Kurt, mouth slamming into his, and it was different than they’d ever done before. This was all different than they’d ever done before.

Sex had always been nice and polite, in their dorm rooms with the doors locked, but this was hot and dangerous, and Kurt felt more alive than he ever had before. He felt daring and fearless. He felt like he could have come in Blaine’s mouth without feeling bad, like Blaine would have wanted him to.

Blaine kissed Kurt hard and bruising, hands scrabbling under his shirt like he couldn’t get close enough, wild and rough and perfectly amazing. His teeth sunk into Kurt’s bottom lip, tongue sliding into his mouth, lapping inside.

Blaine’s hips pressed up into Kurt, rocking upward until they were both panting, faces red, breath hot, and Kurt stretched back, trying to regain his breath, closing his eyes against the feeling of Blaine’s fingers digging into his sides, his tongue sliding up his throat.

“Kurt,” Blaine said finally, hips still moving almost desperately, and Kurt felt a strange surge of power at the desperation in his voice, the way he clung to Kurt. “Please.”

They’d never done it this way was Kurt’s only thought as Blaine stared at him, hips stilling finally, and the library was utterly silent around them.

Kurt stared at Blaine in the dim light, the shadows on one side of his face, moonlight gilding the bridge of his nose.

Swallowing, his mouth hardened and he pushed Blaine away. “Turn around,” he said sharply, and he could see Blaine bite his bottom lip, eyelashes dragging up as he blinked and turned towards the stack of books.

Kurt glanced down at Blaine’s hand came back, holding out a condom, and Kurt tried not to hesitate before he took it. Blaine’s hands moved back before he could even move, fumbling with his belt, and his pants fell to his ankles.

Shaking himself, Kurt moved on, pressing himself up against Blaine, shivering as Blaine moaned and keened back, rocking onto his cock.

He didn’t feel as exposed as he thought he might, standing in the middle of an empty library at nearly three in the morning. He didn’t even really remember how they’d ended up there except Blaine had a keycard for the door and he needed a book for their psych class. Now, the book was lying somewhere at their feet and Blaine was moaning for Kurt to hurry up.

A flitting suspicion crossed Kurt’s mind that maybe Blaine had planned this when Blaine produced lube from his pocket, but he couldn’t see at this point how it was a bad thing.

Kurt’s eyes were glued to Blaine as he watched Blaine’s back arch with the first finger, the strain of his muscles. His shirt was rucked up his stomach, wrinkled and dark in the light. Kurt wanted to watch Blaine forever, every twitch in his body as he moved, pushing his finger in deeper, listening to the hitch in Blaine’s breath.

“Yes,” Blaine breathed, hands curled around the dusty shelves, cock pressed to his stomach, and he pushed back against Kurt’s fingers.

With Blaine, Kurt had never had to guess what he wanted, what he liked, but this was new, this want for attention. He didn’t know what triggered it, but he liked it.

He was a little rougher then, a little less cautious than he might have been normally in this position, and he was rewarded with a sharp gasp from Blaine followed by a choked groan and a hand moving to grip Kurt’s thigh, fingers tightening as he pushed in.

It was a new experience for Kurt as he pushed in, and he stared in amazement, feeling the ripple of heat course through his body, the tightness of Blaine’s ass around his cock, and he tried to hold on, not to come right there since Blaine was still whining, his free hand sliding down to grip his cock.

“Kurt,” Blaine whispered, head pressed against the soft covers of old books, and Kurt pushed in again, harder this time, worried for a split-second when Blaine’s breath caught sharply, but Blaine licked his lips and his hand only moved faster, jerking himself off.

“Jesus,” Kurt managed to breathe, grabbing Blaine’s hip and pulling him in, cock straining against the tightness, the heat that rose on his skin, a pretty pink flush along his collar bone.

Blaine’s groan was muffled as he rocked back against Kurt with each thrust, each push deeper, hand flying along his cock. He needed to get off, couldn’t wait any longer, and with a sharp breath and stuttered exhale, he came. The tightness coiled in his stomach as he came, heat rushing into his cock, and he squeezed his eyes shut.

Behind him, Kurt watched him come undone, unraveling beneath him, muscles clenching tightly, and Kurt gritted his teeth uselessly.

“God, Blaine,” he choked seconds before he lost it, hips slamming into Blaine, and Blaine just took it, rocking back with him, whispering words under his breath that Kurt couldn’t hear over his own panted breath.

Around them, the library was still, dust fallen on the books, muffling the sounds of their panted breaths.

Blaine stirred first, detaching himself from Kurt and turning around slowly. He slumped against the shelf, a lazy, satisfied look on his face, and he reached for Kurt, pulling him in.

“Hi,” he murmured against Kurt’s mouth, kissing him slowly.

“What was that?” Kurt asked a moment later as Blaine slid his arms around his neck and tilted his head to the side, a smile growing on his face.

“It was a stimulating expression,” he replied, and Kurt smiled. He had no idea what Blaine meant, but he didn’t care and smiled as Blaine leaned in for a slow, sultry kiss amongst the stacks of books.

“Should we get out of here?” Kurt asked after a minute, pulling away reluctantly, and Blaine’s hand snuck around his waist, keeping him in place.

“In a minute. You know what you can do in an empty library?”

“Other than what we just did?”

Blaine smiled, pressing a soft kiss to Kurt’s lips. “You can study in peace.”

Fastening his pants, Blaine settled down on the floor, reaching for the psych book that had been dropped so long ago. Kurt stared down at him for a moment before he shrugged and dropped down, snuggling into Blaine’s side.

“What’s the subject today, professor?”



fanfiction, glee, slash

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