One First, Two Firsts [klaine, nc-17, standalone]

Nov 12, 2011 18:56

Title: One First, Two Firsts
Author: silver_etoile
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. All characters belong to Glee, Fox, and its creators.
Summary:  Blaine wants to say something but he doesn’t know what, can’t think of anything that will somehow encompass the moment, so he leans in, brushing his mouth against Kurt’s. His fingers slide up, cupping his jaw, and then Kurt is on his back, kissing Blaine in a way he never has before. Reaction fic to S03E05.
A/N: For silverdragon87 because she is the only reason I ever write Glee.


If their life was a TV show, it would cut to commercial right now, but it’s not, and Kurt has to take a breath as Blaine shuts the door behind him and flips on the lamp next to his bed. He can feel his pulse threading through his body, the steady beat-beat and occasional flutter as he stands next to the bed, eyes darting to the neatly tucked-in sheets.

The lamplight makes everything softer, calmer somehow, and Kurt hopes he’s not the only one slightly more than scared, but Blaine doesn’t move immediately, hesitating by the foot of the bed.

Blaine smiles first, and Kurt lets out the breath he’s been holding and the corners of his mouth quirk.

“We’re doing this,” he says, and Kurt nods slowly.

Blaine nods too, stepping forward and bringing his hands up to cup Kurt’s jaw, pulling him in for a kiss. It’s soft and sweet, nothing like the first time or the last time. The barest hint of tongue sweeps over Kurt’s bottom lip and Kurt’s eyes close.

He can smell Blaine’s aftershave, faint after an entire day of singing and dancing on stage. He really is the perfect Tony, Kurt thinks when Blaine pulls away, eyes opening slowly.

Blaine’s hands move, sliding down, pulling off the cardigan Kurt has on. Kurt lets it slide off his arms, watches Blaine fold it gently, setting it in a chair in the corner. He smiles when Blaine starts to unbutton his vest, fingers moving smoothly until he reaches the last button and they tremble a second, revealing just a hint of how nervous he really is. For all Blaine’s confidence, he’s never done this before and Kurt knows it. They both know it.

“Are you gonna fold every piece?” Kurt asks as Blaine sets the vest with the cardigan.

“Do you want me to?” Blaine looks up at Kurt, eyes wide, open and trusting. Kurt’s heart melts a little.

“If you want,” Kurt says, staring at Blaine as Blaine blinks slowly, eyelashes fanning on his cheeks as he glances down at Kurt’s jeans.

Blaine swallows slowly. He doesn’t exactly know what to do. Well, he knows what to do, but he doesn’t know exactly what to do.

Instead of reaching for Kurt’s jeans, going that extra step they’ve never taken before, he steps back and pulls off his own shirt so that he’s just down to his undershirt. His shirt lands in a crumpled pile in the floor near their feet.

Kurt’s hands begin to shake as he realizes that they’re really doing this. It’s really happening. It’s not some act for Glee club or a performance. It’s real.

Blaine glances up at him, but he doesn’t ask if he’s okay. He knows what Kurt would say anyway. The same thing he would.

Hands shaking slightly, Blaine reaches for Kurt’s shirt, pulling it up over his head, ruffling his hair that falls back into place a moment later. It isn’t as though he’s never seen Kurt with his shirt off, but this time it’s completely different. They’re not going to stop when things get too hot.

Kurt feels exposed, skin looking even paler under Blaine’s warm hands. He swallows, taking a deep breath and looking up.

Blaine’s eyes are on him, darting up and down as if he’s not sure where to look, if he’s really allowed to keep looking.

“We should take the pants off,” Kurt breathes finally, forcing the words from his mouth, and Blaine nods.

He takes off his own first, and they fall in a pile next to the shirt. He steps out of them, kicking off his shoes at the same time. Down to his boxers, a shiver of nerves creeps through him, but he pushes them away. They’re going too slow, he thinks, too slow that he’s starting to think about everything and his mind just goes around in circles until he forces himself to stop and pulls off his undershirt instead.

Kurt watches Blaine, eyes glued to his chest, the trail of hair disappearing under his boxers. His heart pounds against his ribcage and he swallows again.

Stepping forward, Blaine gives Kurt a little nudge, pushing him down onto the bed. His cool fingertips press into his chest, and Kurt falls backwards easily, scooting up and watching Blaine climb on after him.

Blaine wants to say something but he doesn’t know what, can’t think of anything that will somehow encompass the moment, so he leans in, brushing his mouth against Kurt’s. His fingers slide up, cupping his jaw, and then Kurt is on his back, kissing Blaine in a way he never has before.

Each part of their lips, each puff of air between them seems to take a millennia, slow-motion as Blaine deepens the kiss, mouth closing over his. Blaine’s teeth sink down into his lower lip, barely there, but it’s different, better.

Kurt’s fingers curl around Blaine’s biceps, and he sucks in a breath when Blaine pulls back. His breath is shaky over Kurt’s chin, and his eyes are big, golden and green staring at him.

“Blaine,” Kurt breathes, stretching up, their noses touching, and Blaine kisses him again, soft and chaste.

Neither really know what they’re doing, and it’s obvious when Blaine pulls back, eyes darting down. Kurt still has his jeans on, and they’re starting to get uncomfortably tight as they lay there.

Blaine’s weight is heavy and warm on top of him, a leg pressed between his, wedging them apart softly.

There are things they should do, foreplay, but a little part of each of them is impatient, and Blaine finally reaches for Kurt’s jeans, unbuttoning them and pulling down the zipper. The sound is loud in the otherwise silent room.

He gets them down then pauses, folding them gently and setting them aside. Kurt almost says something, but he sees Blaine’s fingers tremble as he comes back, and he doesn’t. Instead, he shifts under Blaine, gazing up at him.

He smiles softly, and Blaine returns it, reaching for him.

Blaine’s fingers slide up his chest slowly, marveling at each touch, at each shiver that runs through Kurt’s body. Leaning in, he presses a kiss to Kurt’s collar bone, moving slowly upwards, lips sliding against Kurt’s skin, and he hears Kurt’s quiet gasp in his ear. Blaine’s touch is so light, it sets Kurt on edge, his whole body thrumming as Blaine licks his neck, teeth grazing along his throat.

Kurt whines unexpectedly, surprising even himself, when Blaine bites down on his ear lobe and slides his tongue into his ear.

His ear is the least of his problems with noise, though, as Blaine finally shifts up, body draping along Kurt’s and their cocks align for the first time.

Heat shoots through his body, a flush rising on his cheeks and spread down through his collar bone as Blaine’s cock presses to his, separated by two thin layers of cotton. Kurt doesn’t know much about this, but he knows it’s better than anything he’s ever felt, much better than his hand alone at night. It’s hotter, faster, and he has to slow it down before it’s over.

Reaching for Blaine’s hip, he pushes him back, and Blaine opens his eyes, mouth falling open as he breath quickens.

“Kurt,” Blaine murmurs, licking his lips and going in for a kiss harder than before.

For a second, Kurt forgets everything. He forgets about school and the presidential campaign. He forgets about West Side Story and college applications. All that matters is Blaine, Blaine’s tongue in his mouth, Blaine’s hand on his waist, squeezing tightly, Blaine’s body hovering over his, trying not to move, trying not to press down even though he desperately wants to.

Kurt whimpers when Blaine breaks away, breathing harder now, hot air puffing against his jaw as he moves.

“Here,” Blaine says, almost a whisper, nudging Kurt’s shoulder, and Kurt takes the hint and rolls onto his stomach. “I heard it was easier this way.”

Kurt glanced over his shoulder at Blaine, and he’s glad to see the nerves mirrored in Blaine’s eyes, to know he’s not the only one.

“Did you look stuff up?” he asks with a small smile, and Blaine smiles almost involuntarily, from embarrassment or something else, Kurt doesn’t know.

“Maybe, yeah,” Blaine says, then pauses, licking his lower lip and staring down at Kurt’s back, the long lines down his sides, over the curve of his ass.

Kurt hesitates, burying his face in a pillow for a second, willing the blush on his cheeks to go away. He feels Blaine’s hands resting on his hips, fingers pressing lightly into his skin, and he counts to three in his mind before turning his face from the pillow.

“Did you get… I mean, you have…” he tries to say, but heat floods his cheeks again and he can’t get it out, but Blaine nods in reply.


In the next few moments, neither of them speak. Blaine pulls out an unopened box of condoms and takes one out. The ripping of plastic sounds loud as Blaine tears it open.

Kurt glances back, watching Blaine slip his boxers off. He’d always known he liked boys. There had never been a question about that, and when he’d thought of this moment in the past with some faceless guy he hadn’t met yet, he always thought he’d be scared or completely ready. He wasn’t either now that the time had come.

Blaine isn’t some faceless guy, though. He’s Blaine Anderson, the first guy who’s ever liked him back, who transferred schools to be near him, who stood up to bullies for him, who understood. And they’re doing this together for the first time.

He isn’t scared and he isn’t completely ready; he’s exactly where he wants to be with exactly who he wants to be with.

At Blaine’s first finger sliding inside him, Kurt stiffens.

Behind him, Blaine shifts, straddling Kurt’s legs. His eyes are fixed on Kurt’s ass, the way his finger disappears inside. They’ve never much discussed this part, but Blaine watches porn and has access to the internet. He knows vaguely how it should go.

Kurt’s eyes close and he lifts his ass when Blaine’s hands urge him up. It doesn’t hurt yet, just feels a little strange. He wonders if Blaine has done this to himself, if he fingers himself when he jerks off, if he does it after their nightly phone calls, Kurt’s whispered, “Goodnight,” lingering in his ears.

Biting his lip, Kurt lets out a shaky breath as Blaine pushes in a second finger.

Blaine goes slow, achingly slow. His cock is hard and hot against his stomach, and he wonders how much longer he has to wait.

After a minute, Kurt nods into the pillow. “Okay,” he says, voice muffled, as if Blaine had asked a question.

Pulling back, Blaine takes out his fingers and spreads more lube on his cock. He stares at Kurt’s asshole, already pink, and he licks his lips slowly.

Kurt trembles as he feels the blunt head of Blaine’s cock pressing against his entrance. It’s going to hurt, he knows, closing his eyes and trying not to hold his breath when Blaine pushes in.

“Oh, God,” Blaine chokes when he pushes into Kurt, prick sliding through the hot, tight muscles, and he tries to go slow, tries to pause, watching Kurt’s shoulders tighten. “Kurt?”

“Stop, stop,” Kurt says, breathless, reaching back to still Blaine’s hips. They stay that way for a moment, frozen as Kurt waits, waits for the dull burning pain to stop, to lessen.

Above him, Blaine closes his eyes, mouth half-open as he breathed, tried to concentrate of keeping still. His cock throbbed, and he knew he wouldn’t last long, not like this, not with Kurt’s muscles contracting around him.

A minute passes before Kurt lets out a breath and bows his head. He nods into the pillow, reaching for the sheets and curling his fingers around them.

It hurts, but it’s not as bad now, a dull pain as Blaine rocks in slowly. His fingers dig into the sheets, and he’s not sure he’s hard anymore, but he can barely believe this is happening. Blaine is inside him, Blaine is fucking him.

The mattress squeaks as Blaine moves, hips pushing in, a little faster now, his hands holding Kurt’s hips. The sheets slip under his knees, and Kurt gasps as Blaine moves, the angle shifting, and the pain lessens. A curl of something hotter crawls up his spine and he loosens his death grip on the sheets.

Blaine’s grip tightens on Kurt’s hips along with his stomach as he rocks inside Kurt. A flush rises on his collar bone, sweat glistening at his temples, and he sucks in a breath as he groans.

Blaine comes before he can warn Kurt, before he can do anything other than gasp and jerk his hips forward.

It’s so much better than masturbation, Blaine admits to himself as he slides down, heart pounding.

“Kurt?” he asks breathlessly, sliding his hands up Kurt’s back slowly, fingers wandering over his skin, trying to catch his breath.

Kurt pants into the pillow as Blaine crawls up over his back, pressing a kiss to his shoulder blade.

“Are you okay?”

Kurt nods, rolling over and gazing up at Blaine. His cock is half-hard now, but his ass throbs and he reaches for Blaine’s hair, playing with a stray curl falling out.

“That was,” he says, trailing off with a slow sigh, and Blaine glances down, frowning, eyebrows knitting together, and Kurt smiles at how cute he looks.

“Did you,” Blaine says, shaking his head. “Did you come?”

“It’s okay,” Kurt says, wrapping his arms around Blaine’s shoulders. “It was better than I expected. Didn’t hurt as much.”

“Oh my God,” Blaine says, sounding worried. “I-I’m sorry. Why didn’t you say anything? Did I hurt you?”

“No, no,” Kurt says quickly, pulling Blaine into a kiss, and the tension drains from his shoulders. “It was perfect.”

“No,” Blaine says, brushing Kurt’s hair aside, kissing the side of his mouth gently. “But it will be.”

Confused, Kurt frowns at Blaine, but Blaine kisses him again, long and hard, and Kurt sucks in a breath when they part.

Blaine moves then, sliding down slowly, tongue gliding down Kurt’s body, and it isn’t until his mouth closes over Kurt’s cock that Kurt gets it.

“Oh,” he breathes and stretches back.

They could do one more first tonight.



fanfiction, glee, slash

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