[Day Three, early morning] White Rabbit

Oct 18, 2007 22:12

Who: Roxas and Kino. And Hermes.
Where: Expedition road.
What: Shit hitting fans?
Rating: R for Ranting.
Warnings: And you thought Roxas was cranky before.

((from here!))

It took all of three seconds after the corridor back to Central had closed for Roxas to decide that that had been the mother of all stupid ideas. He should have abandoned this expedition and gone back with Reno to finish the job. He should have ignored the intruder in the first place and finished the job. He should have finished the job, period.

But he hadn't, and couldn't now without walking into another fight, and it's fifty percent someone else's fault. He hissed angrily at the place where Axel/Reno had been before dismissing the Keys and stalking his way over to the spectator. He didn't look much like the Roxas that had started this little exploration anymore, still dressed as he was like one of the Organization, black gloves and black boots and black leather robe. The pissed off expression completed the image, completely overshadowing any relief that the intruder had been Kino and not someone else.

Flat. "How much did you see."

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