Did you hear the Redskins were playing some big game or other against the Seahawks or something? This was a bigger game than usual, I guess. Employees at the Big Orange Box were allowed to wear Redskins paraphenalia. Kendra spent an hour making an apron with the Redskins logo on it for Tommy. She painted HTTR on the pockets, which I figured out meant Hail to the Redskins.
So I haven't updated in a few days. That's because I wanted my next update to be pictures of my painted room! I would have an interesting conversation with someone and think, "That should go in my livejournal," then remind myself that I haven't finished my room yet. So I've forgotten most of them. But tonight I thought, screw it, I want to update. Hopefully tomorrow I can finish up the second accent wall at least.
It seems that Zeyad and Lacey are unknowingly combining their efforts to push me into not becoming a teacher, because teaching is so controversial and all. Lacey wants me to try to become Internet Famous for a living. Zeyad and I are in the same position in life, trying to figure out the next step after graduation. Since I've been in the real world, he asks me for my advice a lot. A lot of people do. I have no idea why I'm considered such an expert. He's also trying to push me to get a business minor. Not a bad idea, except for the part where it would interfere with my endorsement courses for teaching.
I intended to spend New Years reading fairy tales, as I did in the old days before I got boyfriends. I fell asleep around 11:00 though. I am obviously not 19 anymore. I attended Mom and Dad's brunch, which was spent first showing off a happy Sonny and a nervous Slinky to interested guests, then avoiding Maggie in various ways. She is such a fourteen-year-old it's gross. Also she's taller than me. Why?
On Wednesday and Thursday I helped count inventory at a factory near Occoquan. It is probably one of the more random things I've done. It was for the accounting firm (it was part of an audit). The Partner and the Operating Manager have horrible colds, and I was frequently sitting in a tiny conference room with them, operating the same computers. The OM talked into my phone at the office. She breathed on my phone. I appear to have avoided a cold so far, although I did cough more often for a few days and I sneeze a little more often than before, with three sneezes instead of two. There was a lot of dust at the factory.
Also, one of the girls I followed around to double-check on inventory counts looked vaguely familiar. She looked a little like Kendra though, so I assumed either I was racist or she just had one of those faces. I looked familiar to her as well, though. Turns out we went to the same school in ninth grade. She asked about Lacey and I assured her that shaving my head had been my own idea. If I had known the slightest thing about her besides her name I might have asked her some questions as well, but I don't because I was and still am self-centered.
Friday was spent updating Quickbooks and reconciling bank accounts. I had forgotten how much I love doing those tasks, especially when Pandora is playing. Setting my own speed, doing a fairly simple task with an obvious endpoint? I adored it. When I told Zeyad how much I enjoyed it he said I should be a bookkeeper instead of a teacher. Eh. Maybe.
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