Seeing as how I'm graduating in December 2013 and my car will be completely 100% paid off that month as well, I have chosen January 2014 as the month that I'm moving out of my parent's place. My plan is to continue with school -- get that there teaching license and such. Probably I would start with that in fall of 2014, though.
But who said I have to stay at George Mason? Why couldn't I branch out to another school?
What if I moved to North Carolina?
The draw of North Carolina is obvious -- it starts with J and ends with ames -- and at the same time, the reason to not go to North Carolina is obvious -- I have a base of support here, I have in-state tuition here, I know this area. North Carolina has a much lower cost of living (I can easily rent a room for $350), but I don't have a job in North Carolina, and from what I understand, it was especially hit hard by the recession because so much of their growth was in the financial sector. I find myself thinking, if I could transfer to a location near Raleigh, if I could substitute at local schools...but why not think bigger? Why not try to get a job in the school system?
A teaching license in North Carolina is only a license to teach in North Carolina, whereas a teaching license in Virginia is a license to teach in 37 states (not including North Carolina).
When James was up here for Christmas, I mentioned the idea of me moving down there. He was all for it, pointing out that a one-bedroom in his area is $800, so including utilities, that would be $1000 for us to split. We could have all our furniture and books everywhere, and regular internet access, and the food in the fridge would be food I would actually eat.
Lately whenever I talk to Lacey she brings up the idea of me, like, not teaching at all. Trying to make it on writing and interneting, since I do that all the time anyway. I admit that I am
trying to become internet famous but I'm not trying very hard. I don't even know how to do that. Networking? Commenting on other sites, with a link to my blog? Having an interesting twitter feed? Of course, trying to become internet famous is a lot easier when the cost of living is lower...
I have ideas for making my blog more interesting. Bigger. More than just animated films. Historical films.
I should focus on what is definitely a good idea. Moving out in January 2014 to someplace with regular internet access.