On the night of the 25-26th, I had another vivid dream. A common theme of my dreams is being stuck in some large building, typically a house or a hotel, wandering around trying to find the exit. The feeling of being trapped is exquisite. When I remember my dreams, 75% of them are going to be that dream. I hate that dream; the walls are always mauve and I'm trapped forever.
One time, however, I dreamt that I was dating a man who had just bought a house. We were exploring the house together, and we kept finding more hallways and more secret passageways, but the house was well-lit and the walls were a normal white, and in my dream I was in love with the man who had bought the house, and it was just a really pleasant dream, even though we were just wandering aimlessly through a house like I normally do.
So in my dream on the 25/26th, I dreamt that I was trapped by a guy who wanted to use me for his job, whatever his job is. At first I was trapped, in the normal dream-way, but for once, I ran away, and I walked down a rural road lined with trees until I came to this house, until I came to this house that I had spent a whole dream wandering around in with an imaginary boyfriend. I went inside. No one recognized me, but they let me hide out anyway.
So I've Haunted Leesburg. At first I had wondered why we needed two Widows, but then my fellow widow, Jess, left early to do Rocky Horror in DC, and so I sat in a chair for an hour and a half and pretended to cry, which got really exhausting after about half an hour. I started to lose track of my pretend-crying and I even fell asleep for a few seconds.
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So far this hurricane doesn't seem so bad! I may regret saying that however.