I'm not going to lie: on the listening exercises, where you have to fill in half the sentence, I don't really try to pass them. I listen to them, and answer them to the best of my ability, but I am not going to waste hours of my life trying to come up with the computer-generated answer to each question.
I might ask Prof Pare about that, actually. "I know the answer to the specific question," I'll say, "And I answered it, with a verb in the correct conjugation. But I didn't trying to answer the questions properly. Like, Reggio's friends are annoying because they talk about politics all the time. So I wrote that in Italian. But I don't know what the exact phrase is that the computer is looking for, so I'm not going to try to guess it. Please don't fail me."
Also, did you know that webcomic authors actually read what you have to say, most of the time? It's true! I've emailed Chris Hastings a few times, and he's always emailed me back! I'm his #1 fan. Or I was, until I stopped buying merchandise. Anyway his wife or his mother is probably his #1 fan anyway. I'M A BIG FAN IN ANY CASE.
But also, I read that god-awful webcomic "Holiday Wars" a few months back. The advertising is on all the webcomics I read, so I pretty much gave in and read it (so, good job, advertising). It was awful, awful, awful, with half-baked characters and clichés up the wazoo. I especially couldn't stand the lead character, Tegan, who was clearly meant to be "snarky everyteen gets sucked into mystical plot", except that she was pretty much a whiner and a terrible person. In our introduction to her, another teenage girl, Beth, calls her a loser; in response, Tegan purposefully broke her nose in the middle of the Big Game in front of dozens of spectators. When Beth attempted to seek justice from the authority (like, the principal), Tegan picked a new fight and the principal "punished" Tegan by putting her in the glee club. I could not stand this girl. I wasn't even aware Tegan was supposed to be "snarky" until she comments that she's so tired she can't think of anything snarky to say. I guess she was always too tired, because she never said anything the least bit sarcastic.
So I read the backstory and all that shit as well, because I was bored. We got the backstory of Beth, the supposed "mean girl" who, shocker, hated Tegan because Tegan had done things like spill soda on her head, insult her poems in English class, and take her spot on the lacrosse team.
So I wrote a long rant in the comments section (it looked a lot like the previous two paragraphs). Then, realizing that I might look a little insane and worked-up over what was, after all, an obscure webcomic on the internet, I deleted most of it and wrote:
So...Tegan insulted her in class, spilled her lunch on her head, broke her nose, picked on her in the principal's office, and it's Beth who's the bad one, because she said a few mean comments in the locker room?
The authors responded, like, within two hours.
Exactly. The whole point of this story is to show that Beth isn't as much of a B* as she first comes off. ...which is good cause she'll be a main cast member in Book 2!
I was tempted to respond, "But Tegan came across as a bitch the entire story," or "Beth never came off a bitch, especially after the principal's office scene" but decided that was probably too mean-spirited and decided to let it go, because it's just a webcomic. Also, what was the author going to do about it? Rewrite several years of hard work just because I didn't like the character? No, I decided to just move on. In retrospect, I probably should have made the comment in the actual comic, probably around the principal's office scene. That way it would have been obvious that I mean Tegan was always a bitch, rather than Oh, I didn't know Beth wasn't a bitch.
But it's just a webcomic. Nobody cares, Berwick, nobody cares.
Anyway, today I also commented on Multiplex. A lead supporting female, Angie, just got married, and we got to see Angie and her friends chatting after the wedding. Unfortunately, we only saw her dress from the back! Alls I could gather from that was that it was strapless and had a low back, and there was also a belt.
Now, it's a dude who writes the comic, so I can understand why he wouldn't show the front of the dress as well. Dudes do not understand. If you're going to have someone in a special pretty dress, show the dress. Girls know. At least, artsy girls know.
So I commented:
You can hardly see Angie's dress! I am very disappointed. I demand to see the rest of her dress!
And within an hour, I had a reply from the author himself:
I'm sorry! I based it on this rather closely:
http://www.davidsbridal.com/Product_Strapless-Tulle-Ball-Gown-with-Beaded-Belt-CPK440_Bridal-Gowns-Shop-By-Style-Reception (The belt is slightly different.)
You can also see a closer look at her and Becky from panel 1 here:
http://twitpic.com/9xxvb3 Can you believe it! Not only did I get a quick response, but I'm pretty certain he made that twitpic just to reply to me. D'awwww!
Pretty dress, but not my style. I'm not a fan of strapless in general, especially low-back strapless. I like the belt though.