So far I have a B+ in African Dance, a C+ in Geology, and a B in History of Germany. The C+ is a surprise, but the other two are exactly the grades I thought I would get.
My History of Germany professor is an over-meticulous person, which is annoying most of the time, but then he sent us a whole bunch of emails full of statistics, which is awesome.
Here are the overall results on the exam for the class as whole:
4 A-
4 B+
8 B
6 B-
1 C+
3 C
4 C-
4 D
2 0 (no show)
(I got an 80, which is either a C+ or a B-, I'm honestly not sure)
Here is a breakdown of the course grades earned by the class this semester:
2 A-
6 B+
9 B
3 B-
3 C+
5 C
5 C-
1 D
2 F
Here is a breakdown of your course results:
92.50 - Paper 1 (15%)
92.50 - Paper 2 (15%)
73.75 - Midterm Exam (20%)
80.00 - Final Exam (40%)
87.50 - Class Participation and Attendance (10%)
83.25 - Course Average
This resulted in a B for the course.
So I was right in the middle. Not an impressive student, but good enough. I made an obvious improvement from the midterm to the final, although I find it weird that I scored exactly the same on both my papers.
I feel like I've learned a lot this semester. I also feel like I can do better than I did this semester. I know I can get better grades next semester. My courses will only be four days a week, and there will be less of them. I'll try to have an easier work schedule, too, but I'm quitting one job next week and I don't know what my new second job will be. Kind of scary. But I can do it.