Ask and you shan't receive for forty days at least

Mar 08, 2011 22:07

I went to a networking meeting today.

First, let me back up: I went to a networking meeting today because I was supposed to bring two friends. However, I forgot about the existence of the networking meeting, until James reminded me at 7:00 last night. So I emailed them; they had already made other plans. So they weren't about to come to a 7AM meeting. Shock.

But I was already all paid for, so I had to go. I realized I didn't have shoes and I didn't have any idea what to say when I introduced myself.

I barged out of my bedroom at 9:00 at night, where Jenn was sitting contentedly on the couch, crocheting and watching Cake Boss. She looked up at me, startled.

"What size shoe do you wear?"

Jenn wears a size 9. I wear 7. Still, we managed to find some half-boots that were a little too small for her and too big for me, but I was able to wear them well enough when I put enough thick socks on.

What I ended up saying at the event: "Good morning! My name is Kelsey Silver, and currently I work for an accounting firm. I'm going to start school full-time in the fall, so I'm looking for some part-time work to help me out. Please let me know if you need any help with...anything at all!" And then I sat down. My speech probably last all of 20 seconds. I don't think he even raised the yellow card.

I was pleased to see James in his element, though. It was nice to see that his natural gentleness and friendliness worked to his advantage in a networking event. When it was his turn to speak, he announced his contract with Stone's Cove, and then spent the rest of the speech talking about the life coach sitting on the other side of the room, who we explained was a terrific reference and a really great person altogether. I tried not to grin too much. I was there to represent myself as a resource, not James.

I'm pretty bad at mingling, so let's pretend that part didn't happen; I did end up with three possible contacts, though, so that's good.

Today, however, was also Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras/Pancake Tuesday, the last day before Lent. It's the last day Catholic-leaning Christians can indulge themselves before Fasting for forty days and forty nights. My parent's church likes to have a pancake supper, hence me calling it "Pancake Tuesday". This year the Pancake Dinner was at IHOP, to raise money for the church. I ended up having french toast, because I'd been craving it lately, but Mom and Dad had pancakes.

Father Rob grabbed me in the lobby and said, "Kelsey-Girl!" so I said, "Robby-Man!" This is our usual greeting to each other. He asked about Sonja, wanting to know if she had started waving yet. I said she had only waved twice, but I expected her to do it more when I introduced her to James' beardie. He asked when I would start posting pictures of Sonja again. I said that she just hadn't been in any new, cute positions for me to take pictures of, and he shook his head and said that there would always be new, cute positions, if I just looked hard enough.

So, because he asked, he shall receive: new pictures of Sonja.

Sonja doesn't just lay around. She lays around.

Flat Sonja! Just trying to soak in the water. She was a thirsty girl -- she spent the first two minutes of her bath just drinking water with her tongue! *guilt*

She was also bearding like crazy. This was the best picture I was able to get, and the absolute darkness of the beard still didn't show.

Sonja wrapped up in the washcloth was too cute for words.

Trying to get a new facebook profile picture. Also: Art.

So cute!

And a video, because she did a dance for me after she saw I was taking pictures. I can't believe I forgot what a little camera whore she is!

image Click to view

After dinner, Dad took me by the shoulder, looked me in the eyes, and said, "Can I give you some advice?"

I said of course he could.

"Nasal drainage causes bad breath," he said.

pictures of us, work, health, food, family, sonny lizard marx

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