Mar 23, 2011 22:31
So tonight in one of my RP sessions my players discovered a strange safe. Small enough to be carried in both hands made from bronze and crystal. Inside of it were two of my players most prized possessions. Two very expensive and super rare books on magic.
The problem was if you tampered with the safe it released a jet of white hot flame into the safe cavity which incinerated the contents. So they take it to the resident Mad Scientist in the party one. :iconOronaRed:
He tinkers with it some, setting aside the installation of the new gravity singularity to make his DeLorean fly to examine the safe. At about this time the characters who the books belong to are called away to their cabins due to irregularities earlier in the day concerning skin walkers and murder.
So they have two options, combine skills - Lockpicking from the plucky young street kid and Mad Science to disassemble the safe and get the books safely. But the demonic evil spirit that whispers in the Mad Scientists ear tweaking his genius ideas whispered an alternative plan.
Orona failed his roll to ignore the idea... talked himself into it out of character with one final roll of odds vs evens. He set up the gravitic manipulators around the locked safe and over-powered the singularity to bend time around the safe to a point whereby the safe had never been built.
He wound up with all the components to build a safe. An oak sapling, a yew sapling, various components that make up ink and two lambs. Living breathing maaaahing lambs.
He had reduced the safe and its contents back into its living components.....
Leather from the binding is why there are lambs, two trees for the wood used to make paper and books and the various parts of ink, fuel and metals and crystals from the safe.
In an attempt to fix it he reversed the polarity of the device to speed time back up again in a hope to undo the damage. He wound up (after some intervention from the evil spirits) With a giant oak tree and yew growing through the roof of the train car they were in. A diamond and two fully grown sheep......
Evil Forces bent on the destruction of the world - 1
Mad Science - 1
Rare Magic books - 0