Mar 07, 2011 22:53
So I said I wasn't going to buy Pokemon Black or White and yet Sunday morning after waking up feeling all depressed and alone. I decided to go into Lewisham, then whilst wandering I ambled into Game.
Pokemon Happened!
Ooooops... >.>
Oh well hehe it has been rather fun so far, it is different enough from the other games to be interesting though there are features I will probably barely use. It has also been a challenge as "None" Of these pokemon have ever come up before so I am having to feel my way to work out what they are and how to build a decent team.
Lets see what else has been going on recently beyond Pokemon.
My RP games are going well, Legend of the Five Rings has started back up, I have so much awesome plot planned it is silly! Also we are playing Deadlands on Wednesday which is just great fun, last week they were bimbling about a train trying to find out who stole all their stuff. When they finally did cotton on it was all highjinks and crazy invisible people using Chi powers and "Mr Ning" the Martial Arts master!
Work has been workful and rather busy, the boss was off last week so I have been rather busy doing stuff at work. Got a lazy weekend coming up this weekend but on the 18th I am off to see Trukkle and Nevvie which will be great. Other then that life be good!