Dec 21, 2009 21:20
This is strange.
Less than a week ago I started running SETI@Home again on my system. Tonight I received a message on Livejournal from the brother of a friend I made there telling me that she died of cancer on the 9th of this month. She was originally the reason I found and got involved in the SETI@Home project a very long time ago. Someone posted a link in a comment in her journal and I followed it and thought it was a pretty neat idea. I ran it for a long time and then during one rebuild or another it just never got reinstalled and I got away from it until just this week. Then I get the message that she has died.
The universe can be strange, right?
She sent me a book once that I enjoyed immensely and made me a suncatcher that I still have and like a lot. We never met or even made plans to, we just emailed and talked on Yahoo and shared the sort of stuff you share with a friend you will probably never meet but whose opinion you feel you can trust. I havent talked to her in years now, I have no idea if she quit LJ when she became sick or how she got cancer or what happened during the time we didnt talk. I am sad tonight because she died though, and I miss her.
On a semi related note, does anyone know of any good SETI@Home teams to join or does anyone run the thing and want to start a team? I was halfway kicking around the idea of starting a team in her memory but I have no idea how to do so or if I even can.
I find it cool that I process two chunks of data at a time at two separate speeds and rates, one for each of my dual AMD processors. My motherboard will support a quad core processor and I was hoping to score one with some christmas/birthday money but as is usual, life has stepped in and demanded the cash. I am price checking though and saving my pennies and will make the upgrade one day.