May 04, 2009 02:10
Last weekend was seminar weekend, our dojo's annual spring seminar with Berthiaume-Sensei of Montreal. It was amazing, and you can tell because I can barely move now! Legs, arms, neck, they all hurt. In a beautiful sort of way.
Friday was all Iaido. The Aikido classes began on Saturday at 11:00. Saturday built up to a WHOLE lot of big throws, strange koshi and maki otoshi and other awesomeness. A lot of group work, a little pinning. And then the first half of a boken-jo kata, the latter part of which we learned today.
Today began with ikkyo from a weird opening (just because it's weird doesn't make it not awesome! It was very spinny). I was thinking it was going to be a class with a lot of pins, because the next technique was yonkyo. I HAVE A YONKYO BRUISE. On my left wrist. It is important to point this out, just for life in general.
But after that, we did shiho nage and kotegaeshi and irimi nage all from the same opening. It was a bit difficult to figure out at first, possibly because my brain was basically mush by that point, but I did work out the opening, and after that they were all just basic techniques from the same opening.
We were told to do the shiho nage, keep the grip, and as uke got up, do the kotegaeshi, and as uke got up from THAT, turn it into irimi nage. And every time you got up, you turned over. And you DIDN'T STOP MOVING.
Then I came home and crashed and had a really weird dream. SO glad I got a sub for lessons.
Maybe cleaning the hot tub tomorrow night so I can go to a Cinco de Mayo party of Connor's (or Jimmy's?). Can't wait until I get paid on Thursday. Having less than no money is really unpleasant.