In slow motion

Jul 21, 2008 09:10

Hi, guys! (In my mind, this sounds like that part in Bridget Jones's Diary where she goes to the smug-married dinner party, and everyone's being introduced, and I think it's Cosmo and...whoever...that say, "Hi, Bridge!" in this little sing-song way. Do you know what I'm talking about? Or am I just living in some kind of delusional Bridget-Jones-voice universe? Welcome to my world this morning.)

Wow. I was amazing this weekend. If I were an animal, I would be a sloth. Or maybe one of those fish that burrows into the mud during the summer. It was wonderful, but this morning I'm all confused and lazy and blinking into the sun (or would be, were we not ensconced in fog). Do you want to hear about it? Do you? Are you ready? Because here you go, the entire agenda for my weekend:

Go to fabric store.

Inexplicably decide to watch old episodes of Pushing Daisies; act all swoony over Lee Pace even though the man needs a haircut in a serious way; knit.


Sew handbag for self (pictures to come).

Put on bra, shoes; comb hair; see The Dark Knight.

Watch Dr. Who. Have heart broken by Rose and Rose's Dad and Rose/Nine make-up scene.



Mad Men knit Mad Men knit Mad Men knit Mad Men knit Mad Men knit.


Mad Men knit Mad Men knit Mad Men knit.

The End.


Ah, well. At least I made progress on the baby blanket; also Mad Men, which: Hee, Christian Shephard in bed with YoSaffBridge? Now there's an image. Also, good show, etc. etc.

I am weird this morning. Maybe I should get out more? Hmmm.


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