Sep 08, 2005 12:48
deffinatly time for a new lj name.
what should it be?
still a little sick and my wisdom teeth hurt but i have no dental insurance so i'm just gonna have to tough it out. they stopped hurting IMMENSLY tho!! very good sign.
off to AI tomorrow morning.
maybe i can switch my major so i don't have to deal with recording anymore???
is it to far into the semester?? i guess i'll find out tomorrow morning.
what the hell is Audio Media and Technology? any one know??
I HATE COMMUTING in the AM with all the crazy swarms of the business world.
oh well atleast friday is the only day i have to go in so freakin early.
trying to cath the train between 6:30 and 7am isn't that much fun.
it absolutly sucks that i have to get up at 6am or earlier to go to a 9am class.
i just wanna transfer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but where the hell can i go???????
nothing really has wut i want.
i think i'm screwed if even the umasses don't have wut i want.
i wanna stay in boston. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
tonight i'm going out with trevor for a lil' bit then out with tay and shawn. prob a movie night?? i dunno but i don;t work tomorrow!!!!!!!!! the first day in forever i get a day off!!!
when i'm done with class tomorrow or when i get back to franklin, Lydie, Tay, prob lydie's sis Sarah, and I are gonna go look for dresses. FREAKIN SUPER one more friggen thing i have to pay for. but atleast it'll be fun. they might meet me in boston or i'm gonna meet em here. i'll find out later tonight.