Jan 18, 2007 14:21
everytime i think about it... this little voice inside my head is screaming at the top of it's lungs, begging him not to be a mistake
_so yes, i finally spoke to him, and things worked themselves out. i get a little overdramatic apparently. still get this nervous feeling all the time, maybe it's just self insecurities, or maybe school being out for winter break has really driven me mad.
_he called me yesterday morning, i was still awake from the previous day. didn't see that coming, i spoke to him for a bit, helped my mother with random things and then crawled into bed expecting to wake up around one to go get some things done that must be finished before school starts again on monday. without fail i overslept and rolled out of bed barely a few hours before he called me again.. at night. that led me into almost two am, and random instant messaging conversations afterward pretty much led me to sleep.
_i was somewhat dreading amanda calling early today to hang out, as i really do enjoy sleeping until well past noon, and thank god, she got caught up at school and didn't call until just a half hour ago. when she did we made plans for threeish and i just got out of the shower.. i figured i'd update before getting on with my day, but for now i really do need to go get dressed, more later! :]