what was i thinking when i let you back in?

May 11, 2008 00:25

we're having a flat show... we were having a flat show... now its just people sat on the floor drinking wine... i am... sober... for the first time in a couple of weeks... despite many attempt to ply me with vodka

i think in the past 10 days i've drunk at least 2 liters of vodka... the majority of these were consumed over 2 nights... monday and thursday... tuesday and friday brought vicious hang-overs... with lots of vomiting and laying down...
friday brought a realisation that at no point was any of that a good idea

so despite the alcohol that lives under my i am sober... again... and my major organs are thankful

but still I'd be lying if I said it wasn't easy

the show went well

it was meant to be a 'flat show' but it ended up being the flat and 4 of rics friends... which was... a bit frustrating... but i assume he thought we couldnt fill the space... but then again he didnt give us a chance...

i put in one of my stamped rolls which read 'this may be the year i disappear' and then my fax machine in its unprepared state - eventually the received faxes (one a day for a year (all sent at daft-o'clock in the morning... my hours of need)) will be filed away in a 2 drawer filing cabinet so you can flick through and see the obsession... the determination... the faxes are also a repeated (typewritten) text which reads 'you deserve everything you get'
above the faxes were 33 6x4 white postcards each with a coloured text printed on them... all different... i'll hopefully have enough of these to fill a wall... or a large section of the wall... and thats what i should be doing now... but i'll do it in a bit... i'm gonna be up a while with them next door anyways... (the lad i fancied in first year and have continuously embarrassed myself in front of since then is next door... i dont even make eye contact anymore... horrible)

monday nights drinking was the fault of liz... honest... it was her night out for her birthday... we did monday night quiz (i've got some pretty good flirting on the go with the quiz master... even though he's far from hot!) there was also some appalling karaoke (i think that was sing star but i've never played that before so i dunno) then dancing at some 'rock night' which was awful... the dj almost laughed me out of the room when i asked for some old idlewild he then agreed to ash but never played it... fuck him... it was the kind of club night where they only played obscure s.o.d. so i couldnt even dance to their 'popular track' boo...
theres a lad that liz hangs around with... who is really cute in an odd way... he also has a girlfriend... i mentioned to liz i thought he was cute and she completely over-reacted being all "oooooooh noooooo! nooo! he has a girlfriend manda!! nooo!" which kinda amused me... its not like i make a habit out of it... well... i am kinda constantly falling in love with boys with girlfriends... BUT i dont make a habit out of acting on it! and it totally wasnt my fault before... i'm just weak willed... yup

thursday night was... so messy... it was our departments champagne night... where the tutors buy about 20 odd bottles of champagne and we start drinking from 4.30 ish and left school at 9.30 at which point we should have gone home... sadly we didnt... i dont really remember much of anything after we left school... apart from white russians in sleazys and tor falling off his chair in the state bar...
i woke up in the morning to find i'd been sick into my (then full) rubbish bin... which i'd emptied into a bin bag and left in the middle of the kitchen floor... i'd also just thrown a half eaten slice of pizza onto my floor... i dont know how i got home... but i spent friday morning dry heaving and then had to leave the flat to sort out my degree show space... hell...

got the space sorted though... and thankfully didnt have a 2 day hangover i did/do however have one swollen lumpy tonsil... fuck... i cant be doing with tonsillitis by the way

i have finished watching every single futurama... so if steve doesnt hook me up with series 3+4 of greys anatomy i'm gonna be really fucked as sleeping is so hard these days... sleeping is the first thing to go when i've got anything on my mind... i've been awake till 4 most nights... and sleeping through till 12 or so... i just hope i can kick that really soon...

anyway thats enough balls from me...
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