Is there anyone that can watch "up" without sobbing throughout the whole thing? Who are you and what are your secrets? My god, I don't know if I can ever watch that movie again. Alex and I just cried about getting old, and being old, and not wanting to ever be alone, and our grandmothers that passed away, and our grandfathers left alone. I know that these deep and dark and brooding issues go past kids, but can't the writers consider that some adults with some baggage might watch these movies too? I don't think I've ever cried that hard during a movie.
Today, Alex sent me an email, and all that it said was "I was hiding beneath the porch because I love you," and I just started crying again, for a good five minutes.
Luckily, I have this puppy bookmarked on every computer I ever use ever for instances like this when I need to pull it together ASAP : Am I broken?
Please advise.