Mar 12, 2008 09:04
7:31 PM 3/11/08 · The Bible contains a number of interesting myths, used to teach lessons and get the reader's head around certain concepts. They're all stolen from Judaism...but that's a post for another time. I don't necessarily buy all of them as they're a tad subjective and not exactly etched in stone. Like the whole bit about God creating the Earth in 6 days and then using the 7th to rest. That's a little odd and flawed. I mean, if God is all powerful why 6 days when a simple snap of the fingers (if God has fingers) could've gotten it done in mere moments? Being all powerful kind of kills any need for taking a break too. Then again, pretty much everything God wanted done after that an angel was sent to get things done...
...maybe God was pooped?
Among a number of the popular myths is something involving Adam & Eve. That whole bit with the apple and being tempted and getting free will out of the stolen snack. God specifically tells them to not eat from the tree (there's some debate if it was actually an apple) and then a snake pops up, supposedly the Devil, and persuades Eve to defy the Big Guy and have a little bite.
Shortly thereafter Adam follows suit...primarily motivated to do so by Eve.
Bible's really big on blaming women for everything.
There's a couple problems with this. God, again, being all powerful should not've been able to be defied by the Devil. I've often kinda felt they're probably more equal in power, which really has nothing to do with this post, otherwise ol' Scratch would've been nuked ages ago. Further, it should've been impossible for Eve to eat the alleged apple...
...because she didn't have free will until after she ate it.
God orders Adam & Eve not to eat from the tree. They don't have free will. Short of someone restraining them and forcing the fruit between their teeth they shouldn't have been able to make the choice to eat it. Further, the serpent didn't have the ability to give them free will so no amount of manipulation (was the snake Johnny Cochrane?) should've enabled them to eat it.
The only way they could've made the choice to eat from the tree would be if they already had free will. Or, because the Serpent was actually God in disuise; no doubt an early furry cosplay phase. Before you go there, not all furries are technically "furry" me, I know many of them. Anyway, God could've gone to them under the guise of some scales and enabled them to eat it as a really sneaky way for them to get booted out of the garden.
People are messy...I wouldn't want them in my garden.
I suppose it's possible that after a little ingesting and digestion that free will could've been granted to them but why the elaborate charade? Why not give it to them from the get go? Or did they actually get it at all? God could just be prompting humanity with little nudges in the right direction now and again and sheepish little things that humanity are...Baaaaa!
If we do have free will then I suppose some blame my way could be lobbed for this post. Then again, if we don't then God somehow indicated to me that I should type this up so really you'd have to blame God. Although, come to think of it, even if we have free will it's still technically God's fault cuz I was made this way, free will and all.
God can get blamed on all sides.
Still, blaming're risking a lightning bolt...
free will