SPN Reverse Big Bang Art post: Divine Justice (Sucks)

Jan 29, 2015 16:12

The second challenge of the year! Another Reverse Big Bang, actually the prompt I drew first!


Main Art // Prompt Picture

I toyed around with a dozen ideas before I settled on Cupid!Cas. Since I'm a fan of both cupid!Cas and reaper!Dean I felt that it could easily be combined, now that we know that reapers are some sort of angel too. I spent a lot of time drawing this and most of the work went into their faces. One day I'll get around to fixing all the other things too :D

I really liked the idea of Michael being very in touch with his human form, calling himself Dean and walking around Heaven in a human shape. Other than his fellow Archangels. Also this is the first time I really tried to draw a lion.

If Dean's the only one using a vessel up in Heaven, then how does Castiel look? Not nearly as monstruous as other angels. Maybe almost a bit too tame?? But I'm sure that him having a sort of human true form doesn't really help endear himself to Heaven, though it does link him to Dean.

Being a reaper buts a big burden on the shoulders of an angel that cares a lot about humans.

Castiel is required to do something he can't. I wanted to make this far more elaborate but my time management skills have never been good. ;w;

General Notes:

This was wonderful to do and I tried to push and challenge myself to create some good results! ♥

supernatural, reverse big bang 2015, deancas

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