Holiday mail

Dec 31, 2018 02:06

Hey babes. So sorry for hardly being here. Real life is hectic and a lot has changed the last few months. I just really need to figure out a balance between things that need to happen, and fun time. LJ was just a thing that had to take a backseat for a while. I miss it though, so I really want to be on here more again next year. Not sure I'm gonna manage, but we'll see.

I got a lot of Christmas cards this year, and I love them so. dizzojay, darktwinkle, supernutjapan, casey28, aprilmay430, sinnerforhire, hefreak, amberdreams, beelikej, quantrail and maichan, thank you so much for the lovely cards. <3
I was super late with my cards. I sent them off a day or 2 before Christmas, so I knew they were gonna be late for that, but I do hope most of them will be arriving before the end of the year. *crosses fingers*

One more day of it being 2018...

mail, lj, holiday cards, christmas

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