Supernatural 14.09

Dec 16, 2018 14:09

Just finished watching...

Supernatural 14.09: the Spear

Goddamnit show. I was so glad we were done with Michael!Dean, and now you're bringing him back? Why? :((((

No seriously, I'm probably the only one, but I don't like it when either Sam or Dean play somene else for a period of time. I wasn't a fan of soulless!Sam, and I was very glad that Demon!Dean didn't last long. I want to have my boys on the show goddamnit, that's why I watch. They're already trying to shove an ensemble cast down our throats (which doesn't work. Spn is Sam and Dean, I wish the writers/creaters would remember that), at the very least I want to have actual Sam and Dean in the ep, not someone else wearing their skin.

Please show... get Michael out of Dean fast, I beg of you. Also, can we stop knocking Sam out, please? The fact that he's still upright and walking, and not a drooling mess in a wheelchair is a miracle. :/

Sorry I'm being so negative, but I'm having a hard time being positive when so little attention is being given to Dean and especially Sam. I mean, the episode wasn't bad, but it def wasn't great either. Ugh. It's probably good we're getting a hiatus. Maybe once show comes back on I can be happy about it again.

Please no spoilers for coming eps in the comments, thanks!

episode reaction, supernatural

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