Crochesters on the move....

May 21, 2018 01:26

So, a little sidestep from my JIB con reports to talk about something I think was really funny.

Remember the crocheted Sam and Dean I made? I've been taking them with me to JIBcon since I've made them, and they usually hang from my Angel Pass at the con. I was planning on bringing them with me this year as well, but I was stupid. I put them in a side pocket of my camera bag, and forgot to secure them. While waiting at the gate to catch my plane, I was horrified to find them gone from my bag. They'd fallen out. So I hurriedly sent a message to my mom to ask her if she could check the house and the car, in the hope that they'd fallen out there, and not in the airport where they'd probably be lost forever.

Thank god, when I'd arrived at the hotel, I got a message from my mom that she'd found them. According to her, they where partying in the car. :') Later that day, I got this picture:

'Look at them being funny.'

I was relieved, had a laugh, and thought that was that. But it wasn't. The pictures didn't stop.

These were the pictures I got in the following days:

'Oh o, where is this going?'

'And hop, there they go. What kind of adventures will they face?'

'You can find danger everywhere, but these young hero's are made of sterner stuff.'

'The adventure continues, exciting because unarmed. *stressed smiley* '

'WHAAA... a monster!'

'Dean has a bucketlist. :D'

'Some peace and quiet.'


'So, that was tasty, but now for some clean up.'

'A great day for some work in the garden.'

'Oh hell, f@&%#k, ruunn. The frogs are a coming...!!!'

That was the last one. When I got home, they where waiting for me like this:


So, conclusion: My mom (and aparently my dad too, because he helped) is crazy in the best way, and I'm now seriously concidering making an Instagram account so the Crochesters can continue having adventures. :') Okay, scratch that. I made that Instagram account: crochestersadventures

#k, supernatural, jus in bello convention, crocheting

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