JIBweek, the aftermath

May 29, 2017 03:06

I've been back from JIBweek since Wednesday, but after con-blues hit me hard and I've been to tired and grumpy to come online much (And on that note... I won't be back reading my flist; If you posted something important while I was away, link me up?). But! I had a great time! Both JIBland and JIBcon were amazing and so much fun, and meeting up ( Read more... )

friends, supernatural, photo's, pictures, fanart: supernatural, lj friends, the hobbit, fanart: the hobbit, fanart, jus in bello convention, note_to_self, squee, sketches, fandom

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Comments 28

quickreaver May 29 2017, 01:57:55 UTC
Much happy-facing!!


sillie82 May 29 2017, 16:16:19 UTC
Yes! :D :D


kalliel May 29 2017, 02:40:20 UTC
I love it when my flisters get to hang out with each other. These photos are so awesome, and y'all look so happy. :'D (Your drawings are completely awesome, as well, of course, but I've said that in more detail in the before-signing posts!) Thank you for sharing your experience with us! Hopefully going through everything/logging it here it will help keep the con glow alive as long as possible. <3


sillie82 May 29 2017, 16:19:55 UTC
It was so great seeing everyone face to face. It was an amazing time that went by way to quickly.


supernutjapan May 29 2017, 03:29:08 UTC
Ug, I've heard of the after-blues and can well believe it. Great pictures and what a fabulous time!!


sillie82 May 29 2017, 16:21:07 UTC
It's not fun. Just really miss everyone and wished they didn't live all over the world. :/ BUT! A great time was had, so that's what I try to keep in the front of my mind. :)


walking_tornado May 29 2017, 03:45:55 UTC
It looks you had a fantastic time!


sillie82 May 29 2017, 16:24:31 UTC
I did. :D


borgmama1of5 May 29 2017, 06:28:13 UTC
Your drawings are AMAZING!


sillie82 May 29 2017, 16:24:38 UTC
Thank you!


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