JIBweek, the aftermath

May 29, 2017 03:06

I've been back from JIBweek since Wednesday, but after con-blues hit me hard and I've been to tired and grumpy to come online much (And on that note... I won't be back reading my flist; If you posted something important while I was away, link me up?). But! I had a great time! Both JIBland and JIBcon were amazing and so much fun, and meeting up with my friends was amazing as well.

I've got loads of pictures and some video's so I'll be spamming my journal with JIB related posts for a while. Just so you're all prepared. ;)

We'll start off with my two photo ops, signed drawings and pictures I took with friends.

I had two photo-ops, one with Briana and one with David Haydn-Jones. They're both such lovely people. Briana makes me look like a white giant, but I still think it's a pretty cute picture.

David was wonderful as well, but he's so nicely tan I look even more like a ghost. XD Note to self: Don't wear something sleeveless next time. :')

A picture of my Angel Pass, the lanyard one of the fans attending the con made for everyone, the CD I bought, and some other stuff.

My JIBland drawings (And for all goes... click the pictures to see them bigger):

David Berry

David Giuntoli (as Nick Burkhardt from Grimm)

Duncan Lacroix (as Murtagh Fraser from Outlander)

Graham McTavish (as Dwalin from the Hobbit)

Reeve Carney (as Dorian Gray from Penny Dreadful)

Sasha Roiz (as Captain Sean Renard from Grimm)

Steven Cree (as Ian Murray from Outlander)

Tom Ellis (as Lucifer Morningstar from Lucifer)

My JIB8 drawings (Again, click to see them bigger):



Young John




Had some really good experiences with the autographes. Most of the actors were very appreciative of the drawings. I remember David G. being facinated and asking me what mediums I used. The two most memorable moments were with Adam and with Jared. Adam promptly stood up when he saw the drawing and gave me a hug in thanks. For now I can't post the drawing Jared signed as the artbook I made it for isn't out yet, but it also has Ruby 2 on there. Jared was impressed enough he took out his phone and took a picture of my drawing (!!!!), and then he jokingly asked me if I could get him into contact with that pretty girl. I actually managed to say back that I could see what I could do for him. :') I think I spent the rest of the afternoon silently freaking out about the fact Jared took a picture of my freakin' drawing. :')

It's always great to get to see the actors of your favorite show, but by now about 50% of the reason I love going to this con is getting to meet up with my friends. I've met so many amazing people, and it's a shame I only get to see them once a year.

Met up several times with the lovely amberdreams. Here's us together with bflyw, who I got the pleasure of seeing all week as she was one of my roommates. <3

Me with the lovely Ally.

Me with Ally and bflyw.

Also met up with dizzojay a few times. This is us after the Monday concert.

Two pictures of bflyw and me when we were out and about in Rome on Tuesday. Excuse our sweaty faces, it was hot as balls that day.

And here are some pictures taken by others that I wanted to share as well:

Me and my other roommate, Krista, after I'd just arrived at the hotel. (Pic taken by Krista.)

Me, Katrin, bflyw, Daniela and Jamie in the panelroom. (Picture taken by Jamie.)

My big group of lovelies at the hotel bar.(Picture taken by Jamie's phone.)

Us, waiting in the burning sun to be let into the venue for the Monday concert. We were standing there for almost 2 hours. It was not fun. Thankfully the concert itself was amazing. (Picture taken by Jamie.)

Us after the concert. All happy faced. :D (Picture taken by Jamie.)

Okay, that's it for now. Will post more soon!

friends, supernatural, photo's, pictures, fanart: supernatural, lj friends, the hobbit, fanart: the hobbit, fanart, jus in bello convention, note_to_self, squee, sketches, fandom

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