ReverseBang artpost the second

Feb 27, 2017 01:26

Art Title: Butterflies and Hurricanes
Prompt Number: R1000
Artist: sillie82

Fic Title: Butterflies and Hurricanes || AO3
Author: morganadw
Fandom: RPS
Genre/pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: R
Word Count: 19,978
Warnings: This story contains mention of past child abuse as well as implied possible self-harm and thoughts of suicide so be warned that there may be triggers. It also contains implied past Mpreg, the results of loss, implied sexual content (the sex isn't actually shown on the page). There is angst but as with all my J2 AU stories there will be a happy ending so just trust me, by the end there will be a happy, schmoopy ending.

Summary: Loss is never easy so when a grief-stricken Jensen Ackles believes he’s alone after facing the greatest and hardest loss yet in his already difficult life, he chooses to return to the spot where he found happiness to make the ultimate final choice. There he’s reminded that he’s not as alone or as at fault as he’s believed and slowly comes to face there is still a future if only he can let go of his pain and guilt.

Jared Padalecki has loved his best friend since the day they met in a field of flowers and butterflies. When they face a huge loss, he also worries about losing Jensen as well if he can’t break thru the wall of grief that has taken so much of the man he knew.

It will take their love for each other as well as something perhaps as simple as a butterfly’s touch to help both men face the act of hate that changed their lives and also give them a future.

Notes: Welcome to my second spn_reversebang artpost of this year. :D I want to thank morganadw for claiming my art prompt and writing a great story for it. Hope you had fun. :D I've been sick for almost 2 weeks, so I didn't get to make as much as I wanted to. Hope you like what is here. :)

Original Prompt
(Click to see bigger)

On DeviantArt || Pencil Version

Extra Illustration:
(Click to see bigger)

On DeviantArt





Comments are love. <3

supernatural, pictures, fanart: supernatural, jensen ackles, fanart, drawings, jared padalecki, reversebang

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