Supernatural 12.12/ 12.13

Feb 25, 2017 00:07

After procastinating for a week, I finally watched episode 12.12. Some quick words (which are not really positive, so if you liked this ep, you probably shouldn't read this.).

Supernatural 12.12: Stuck in the Middle (With You)

Wow, that was an annoying episode. I really did not like that format. Weird slomo's, and going back to the same point again and again.... I'm glad that was a one off thing, because it totally didn't work for me. :/
Also, I knew Castiel wasn't going to die, but it's probably not a good thing I was kinda hoping he would? No? Alright, let's not talk about it again. :')
Also, also... oh my god. We're still not rid of Lucifer? Jeeezussss... I'm so god damn tired of him. Do not want times a thousand. D: D: D:

And I also watched 12.13.

Supernatural 12.13: Family Feud

Aaaah... this was so much better then 12.12. Loads of Sam and Dean being good at their job and being smart. <3 Rowena helping and at the same time getting back at Crowley. Seeing Gavin back and him actually wanting to do the right thing for his girl.

Not sure what to think of Mary working with the Brittish men of letters. I'm glad she told Sam and Dean. I totally get why they're upset with her, and I hope that if she insists on keeping working with them, she stays weary of them. I really hope they're here to help in their own way, but at the same time they can't be trusted.

Also... god fucking damnit Crowley. Why the fuck did you alter that spell? Now we're still not rid of Lucifer! Everytime he's on my screen I want to throw stuff at it. I'm so, so, so, so, so done with him. He needs to go back to his cage and fucking stay there for eternity. Grrr....

I'm pretty much spoiler free, so please no spoilers/ talk about promos for coming episodes. Thanks! :D

episode reaction, supernatural

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