(Sorry I haven't really been commenting the last day or 2, but I've been not sleeping very well and even though I love my job, it's always very draining so I've been pretty damn tired and out of social spoons. Will come back to your posts later to comment (hopefully).)
Day 12
What makes you fannish? And by that we mean, what is it about a tv show/movie/book/band/podcast/etc that takes you from, "Yeah, I like that," to "I need MOAR!!!" Is it a character? A plotline? The pretty? Subtext that’s just screaming to be acknowledged?
In your own space, tell us what it is that gets you to cross that line into fandom.
This is an easy one for me to answer: the characters. Or more, one character. What makes me go 'I nead MOAR!' and makes me cross that line into fandom is that one character that I bond with and love so much I just can't get enough. I want to read and see more about that character, so I go hunt down fanfic/art. For CSI that was Greg Sanders. Voor Supernatural that's Dean. Obviously, I start watching a show because it's about something that I find interesting (I love detectives and urban legends sounded really interesting too), and I also really need to like more then just one character to really really like a show. But once I'm into a show, I'll usually bond with one character and if that love goes really deep, I'll dive into fandom. :)
And once I'm in a fandom it's the people in said fandom that make me stick around. <3
... I feel like I explained this really badly. I might come back to this when I'm a little less tired to see if I can explain it better. XD
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