Fandom Weekend XL! :D

Mar 04, 2015 00:27

First, in case you missed it...
I posted a picspam of my ratties HERE,
my second ReverseBang artpost HERE,
and my third ReverseBang artpost HERE.

So, I spend a long weekend (Friday till Sunday) at beelikej's for an XL fangirl weekend. I got at J's house at around 1, and after lunch (and lots of fandom talk) we left her house for an official tourist walk through Zwolle. Such a pretty town.

(beelikej, if I labelled something wrong, please let me know. :) )

The Broerenmonestary.

The old city wall.


Hotel Librije (used to be het Spinhuis, a prison).

Look at that amazing sky.

The Wijndragerstower.

Parts of the old city wall.

Weversgildenpein, with the Pestengasthuys.

Building on the Diezerstraat, a shoppingstreet.

Glass statue of the archangel Michael.

St. Michaelscurch.

City hall.

The Zwolse Balletjeshuis, an old sweetshop.

The Peperbustower.

City museum Zwolle.

Another pretty sky.

Waanders in de Broeren, a bookshop that's located in the Broerenchurch.

After the walk we went back to J's place and spend the rest of the weekend watching shows. We watched CSI (3 old episodes and 13 episodes of Season 15), Supernatural (an episode from S1 with John because J really loves JDM, and 5 episodes of Season 10), and a movie (Scott Pilgrim vs The World, which I had not seen yet. J knows I love Chris Evans, but even though he didn't really have a big role in this, I thought the movie was really fun.). We are hardcore yo. :')

Before I went home I took some pictures of another small meeting that took place:

It's a meeting of the Sam and Dean's! XD 'Big' Dean looks so surprised and puzzled at what landed in his lap so suddenly... XD

On another fandom note... As a way to try and feel connected and comfy again in fandom, I plan to sign up for more challenges then just ReverveBang and BigBang. First step was taken by signing up for spnspringfling, but I must admit at being a bit anxious. I read through some of the prompts, and there were so many that I wouldn't have a clue of what to do with, art wise. I really don't want to disappoint someone by not understanding their prompts and making something they hate. Here's for hoping that I get something that I can work with. *crosses fingers*

friends, supernatural, photo's, pictures, lj friends, picspam, spicspam, personal, tv shows, fandom, csi marathon

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