Ratties! :D

Feb 25, 2015 04:48

So, first off... I posted my second and third spn_reversebang artposts this weekend. Go check it out if you haven't seen it yet. :D <3

Secondly... I finally got to make some more pictures of my ratties! They're hard to take pictures off because they're fast, and you mostly get blurs on the pictures. But I took some time the other day, and managed to get some good ones, so get ready for a picspam. :D

They're curious little buggers, so they're at the door the minute you open it.

Sammy on his way to freedom.

Bobby and Deano.

Look at this cute little Sammy face.

Three little monsters on the roof. :')

Bobby contemplating if he should try escaping too.

They're not curious at all...

Deano also contemplating escape.

Had the roll of paper towels a little to close to the cage...

Deano having a little wash.

Bobby's trying if he can eat the string of my hoodie.

*pinches little Sammy cheeks*

Deano trying to look under the blanket.

Trying to get more of the paper towels inside.

Sammy found something yummy to eat.

Look at Bobby's wild mane. :')

Sammy's having a little wash as well.

Hope you enjoyed! :D

reversebang, photo's, pictures, ratties, pets, picspam, rats

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