About fandom and work

Aug 29, 2005 19:10

Quick update:

* They started airing Without a Trace! *does happy dance* Saw the first episode saturday, and I'm liking it already. Is it weird I've got something with Danny's voice? O.o;

* Sunday, I encountered the most dirty toilet ever.
Behind a cut, cause it's probably TMI. Don't click if you haven't got a strong stomach )

csi, work, wat

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Comments 9

miriam August 29 2005, 17:58:45 UTC
Wow, poor you. :( *hugs*


sillie82 August 31 2005, 08:39:18 UTC
*hugs back* Thanks. :3


flipflopadd1ct August 29 2005, 20:16:29 UTC
Weird that you've got something with Danny's voice? Not weird at allll. I love his voice, esp. that little accent...he's walking sex, seriously!


sillie82 August 31 2005, 08:39:36 UTC
Heh, okay then. :'3


anonymous September 2 2005, 01:50:57 UTC
Without a Trace! I love that show....

And with a toilet...ew. Feel sorry for you :S


bishie_addict September 2 2005, 01:51:30 UTC
Without a Trace! I love that show....

And with a toilet...ew. Feel sorry for you :S


sillie82 September 4 2005, 11:39:24 UTC
I'm starting to love it also.

And yes... I was feeling very sorry for myself also, at that moment. XD Thanks. :3


*hugs* ullman79 September 2 2005, 23:07:29 UTC
Was happy to see Ned. 2 picking up WaT. Haven't seen any episodes yet though. My brother said they were calling it "Missing without a trace" here - don't know what that's about. *shakes head*


Re: *hugs* sillie82 September 4 2005, 11:40:21 UTC
Ah yeah, the 'Missing' part had me confused for a while also. So I looked it up on their site, and found out if was the 'right' one. :3


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