About fandom and work

Aug 29, 2005 19:10

Quick update:

* They started airing Without a Trace! *does happy dance* Saw the first episode saturday, and I'm liking it already. Is it weird I've got something with Danny's voice? O.o;

* Sunday, I encountered the most dirty toilet ever.

I was just 'happily' cleaning the visitor-toilets, when I opened the door to the invalid-toilet. And promptly closed it again. Took a deep breath and opened it again, to be greeted by the most horrible smell. Apparently, somebody lost the contends of their stomach there, a while ago. Cause it was dried. And it was everywhere. On the toilet, on the floor, on the wall...
Thank god for latex-gloves, clorine (bleach?) and air freshener.

* Whoot, we finally get the rest of CSI season 5 over here. Finally! *does another happy dance*

* Even numbers.

csi, work, wat

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