Aug 21, 2009 23:11
I made the most awesome beverage late last night. I ran out to the store tonight to buy more cranberries so I can make a bigger batch. I have no idea how long this will keep in the fridge. Hopefully more than a day.
I didn't measure anything because I just used the rest of certain things we had and added others to taste etc.
Lemon Juice
Lime Juice
Sparkling Water
I used frozen cranberries, bottled lemon and lime juice, and fresh ginger. Fresh cranberries or cranberry juice and freshly squeezed lemon and lime juice would surely be just as good or better. But I think not fresh ginger would suck.
Also, I feel honey is the perfect sweetener for this. I don't like honey in most things, but it works here for some reason.
As far as sparkling water, you can use regular if you don't like bubbly. I like San Pellegrino because it has less sodium and more calcium than any other brand I've encountered so far.
Combine cranberries and/or cranberry juice (quite a bit), lemon juice, and lime juice (a little of each) in a pan or pot, preferably one from which it will be easy to pour into cups/glasses/pitcher.
Turn heat to medium.
While stuff is heating up, peel and grate as much fresh ginger as you want. I like to grate it very finely, more surface area makes for more yummy ginger juice.
Add the ginger to the pot and however much honey you want. Stir everything together until the honey is fully dissolved then you can turn the heat off. I like to mash all the cranberries and ginger as much as I can with a big spoon to release their flavor and juices.
Now strain this into whatever receptacle you are using but leave some space. I would fill the receptacle 1/4 to 1/2 full depending on how strong you have made/would like your concoction to be. Then fill the rest up with sparkling water.
You could drink this hot. I think it's better cold. So I would use cold sparkling water and/or ice or frozen fruit to cool it down. The reason I don't wait for the original mixture to cool is that it ends up gelling and then it is more difficult to strain.
This is just so fucking good. I could drink buckets of it. It's good strong or watered down. It's good hot or cold. I bet it'd be good when you are sick or hungover too. It's just the most refreshing drink ever. The cranberries are nice and bitter, the lemon and lime are sour, the ginger is spicy, the honey gives it just enough sweetness and the sparkling water makes it fizzy!!! So if you want to make this and are worried about proportions, that should give you an idea of the quality/purpose of each ingredient to help you make it suitable for your tastes.
Oh, and if you like alcohol I am imagining that this would be awesome with vodka. But I'm not sure because I don't really drink.
I would like to try making a blueberry version.
And a nectarine or tangerine version.
Maybe even kiwi. hmm...
I am also thinking about hibiscus (what the hell is the nutritional profile of hibiscus anyway?) and goji berries. And possible spices that could work.
My appetite has been shit lately so I just bought tons of fruit and I'm going to at least try to make interesting juices, smoothies etc. and snack on nuts and seeds and things. It's at least better than what I've been doing which is subsisting on coffee and cigarettes all day and then sometimes eating one huge greasy dinner late at night.
I'm already paranoid that my new boss and co-workers will think I have an eating disorder or am on drugs because of my erratic eating habits and low weight.
EDIT: Replacing the water with chamomile tea is also great when it is not HOT AS FUCK. It also aids in melting the honey.
AND when I am lazy/in pain I drink part of a San Pellegrino and fill up the rest with cranberry, lemon and/or lime juices.
adaptable recipes,
chamomile tea,
sparkling water,