So, I'm seriously considering changing 'the plan'.
The plan is currently to live in Osoyoos til November, then go to to New Zealand for 6 weeks, then move back to Vancouver, and go to SFU in January.
Potential problems/obstacles to this plan include:
- I may not get back into SFU. That depends on a whole lot of distance ed happening in the next...holy crap...5 weeks...holy crap...
- Travelling is a whole lot of expensive, and there's so many other fun things I could do with that money
- My little brother moved back home last week. The already small house got a whole HELL of a lot smaller. November can't come fast enough.
- Moving from Osoyoos to Vancouver in late Dec/early January would suck a whole lot.
The new plan would be to try to get into the
Costuming for Stage and Screen program at Capilano College. This September. And move back right away, and be done getting educated in 2 years time.
Why this plan is awesome:
- The program looks like so much fun. It sounds like playing dress up for the next two years.
- I'll be done being educated in 2 years time.
- I'd have a regular schedule.
- I would only have to live at home for 5ish more weeks.
Potential problems/obstacles to this plan include:
- Admission to the program requires a portfolio, and everything I have that vaguely resembles a portfolio is in storage in Vancovuer.
- I'm in a contract for my job until the end of September.
- You can't really do something that fun as a job, right? Seriously...
- I wouldn't be going to New Zealand this year. Or next year. And Kylie would probably be mad.
At this point, I'm still working on the distance ed classes, and I'm also emailing the department at Cap to see what would need to happen for me to get into the program.