I feel as though I am always speaking of the benefits of confession, when the curses so often force us to air truths we'd prefer to keep under wraps. Today I find myself ashamed to have confessed; both because I lied, and because I did not
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It's a weakness of mine; besides, there was enough truth to it that I can't let it be written off as mere curse-born nonsense.
I claimed I was in love with a woman named Hyacinth, which is true; and that I gave up-- well, everything; to be with her. Which is not.
I wouldn't call it a weakness; there aren't many people myself included who could be so forthcoming. Especially concerning personal sacrifices.
I suppose I'm not a terribly private person; and I'd rather share the whole truth than let people guess at the half-truths the City wishes me to air. I cannot sacrifice to the gods here, so the least I can do is make an offering to the Outsider of my honesty.
You're very devoted to them; I'm sure they appreciate that more than any sacrifice.
I'm devoted to one, at least; the only one who is here with me. I would like to do more but I tend to think he understands. Besides, there's nothing wrong with other forms of sacrifice, though it's a little strange not holding services. One becomes accustomed to a routine, I think.
When bios-- human beings-- were put on the whorl, they were made to forget certain things, to help them become accustomed to it. I can't help but wonder what things we left behind on the Short-Sun Whorl, what knowledge it was that Pas deemed too dangerous, or perhaps merely unnecessary, for us to have.
There are a great many things we once knew-- how to build chems and Sacred Windows, how to make bandages like the one Dr. Crane had-- things that would be beneficial for us to know now. Only Pas could say why we're not permitted.
You could learn all that here. There are books on all of those, if you're interested. I don't think they're dangerous in the life or safety-threatening sense of the word.
I have been reading a wide variety of subjects, but many of the things that interest me are rather too technical for my comprehension, sadly.
What have you been reading?
Also I read a book-- I think a student's text-- on astronomy, in an attempt to better understand this whorl, physically.
And some treatises on divination, but most of them are very strange.
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