i am, until tomorrow evening, staying at my grandmothers. i like the old fashioned food and the seaside but could really probably do without the crosswords and religious documentaries. but, hey, it is a break. a break from lazing around and sleeping and drawing and socialising. half of me LOVES my life right now, and half of me really really needs to do something. be useful. put some effort into something. i guess that bit is meant to be over until i leave for uni ( scarily, two months away).
i love my grandmother, today we went shopping for berries! she had a need for berries, so we bought blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and uh... peaches. it was sweet. i am sat in her kitchen, on her little black laptop that she doesn't have the faintest idea how to use. i can hear planes and see her nice oldocking chair with the crocheted pillow on that has been around forever.
in other news, i postponed the date, with this overwelmingly persistent unamed guy. i made a lame exscuse and everything. and what did he do? askedme if i was free next weekend! i couldn'tsay no otherwise it is obvious i lied, and i can't back out because well, im not that much of a bitch. i like him, im just scared and can't quite be bothered with a relationship right now. but maybe that is the best frame of mind to be in?
anyway, other than that i am surprisingly happy. me, rach, john and laura are all going camping on the 1st of august. i really cannot wait. we are going to leave real early on the friday morning, like 6am and then get down there, tent up and go go go. lots of alcohol, snuggly hoodies and weed and fire and sand and music. two weeks. feels good.