Finally!!! A look back to the amazing, crazy and totally fun month that I spent in Jolly Old England.
These photos are from the first week of my trip in Nottingham and Chesterfield.
This is the very first photo I took! I think we were still on the tarmak in Ottawa. You can see how thrilled Jessie is at having to spend the next 6 hours in a confined space with me! =) But to be honest the flight went great, we didn't get the dreaded DVT, we watched two good movies one being Moulin Rouge! (how cool is that!?) And we only got a few dirty looks when we felt the need to sing along! The food wasn't to shabby either!
Sunrise at Midnight. It was 12:00am Ottawa time and the sun was rising somewhere above the Atlantic. It would have been pretty if I hadn't just fallen asleep, and been woken up by a Stewart trying to get me to eat soggy Cornflakes!
Me at one of the clubs that Philippa, Tom (her bf) and I went too! Now, at this point I hadn't slept for 42 hours, I had a brutal head cold so I was medicated, I had taken some caffene pills a couple of hours before so I wouldn't crash on my first night there, and I was drinking... so needless to say, not my best game of pool!
The last club we went to was called Tantra. It was sooo cool! It was these bed-like platforms all around the room seprated by sheer curtains, and there were pillows everywhere!(Which was great because I could hardly move at this point!) The night we went there was a guy playing acoustic guitar and singing all the old favourites that everyone knows! And the Sponge-Bob movie was playing in the background. A seriously fun night!
The next day Philippa and I played tourist in downtown Notts. This is me in one of the many tiny doorways along the base of Nottingham castle.
Me in front of the oldest pub in England! Ye Old Trip to Jerusalem 1189AD!!! It is amazing inside because it's build right into the hill, so the entire pub is really an intricate cave-system! Caving and drinking in one, a Rovers heaven!
The Cursed Galleon! This is up on top of one of the bars in Trip to Jerulalem. It is litterally a model ship in a glass case with at least 3 inch of century-old dust on it because, as legend has it, the last three people who tried to dust it died shortly thereafter of very mysterious causes... ohhhhh!
'nother pub. (Theres about one pub for every two blocks in England!) But this is another really old one, with yet another cave system beneath it! This pub apparently has a cave-system that is four stories below ground! It was used for all kinds of illegal stuff way back in the day (gambling, drinking, etc...) The further down you went... the naughtier the fun!
*The bartender in the pub was also a really great guy and gave me about 5lbs worth of beer coasters!*
This was a sign inside the pub. It was also the starting point for the haunted walk around Nottingham, which is nothing compared to the one here in Ottawa... *shudders*
This is the Crooked Spire in Chesterfield where I spent a few days with my home-stay family before going to PEAK. Apparently the wood warped after they built the steeple and went Crooked, hence the Crooked Spire! Really very cool to look at, and made even better by the fact that some of the graves outside the church date back to the 1100s.
A Little man, with a little hat and a horse-drawn cart in the market-place in Chesterfield. It just seemed so British!
The market-place in Chesterfield. I bought my bag there!
Well thats it for the first week. There are plenty more photos left, but they will have to wait for another time because I got a piece of ceiling stucco in my eye trying to change (unsuccessfully) the light bulb in my room, and I really must go try and get it out now.