Business Casual

Feb 01, 2011 18:37

Title: Business Casual
Fandom: Kuroshitsuji
Author: silenttaiyoukai 
Rating: PG-13
Words: ~656
Genre: Humor
Characters: William/Grell, Ronald
Summary: William has had enough of Grell ignoring the dress code. Things do not turn out as he expects.


At first he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

Grell Sutcliff sitting down quietly at a desk and diligently going through the day’s paperwork was something William had rarely, if ever, seen before. That occurrence in and of itself was shocking, but it was not what made him raise his eyebrows. Even after he had taken nearly ten minutes out of yesterday’s busy schedule to lecture Grell on the importance of sticking to the established dress code, the red-haired Reaper still dared to come into work looking like….this.

He moved to stand directly behind Grell, who didn’t seem to hear him approach.

“Sutcliff!” William barked, and he could have sworn he saw a few of Grell’s hairs stand straight on end.

Grell swiveled around in her chair, blinking huge green doe eyes at him and sporting a side grin. She sprang up from her chair, clasping her hands together in front of her. William couldn’t help but notice that she had painted her nails that awfully obnoxious shade of red she loved so much. In fact, she was painted entirely from head to toe in it. She was wearing a red turtleneck sweater beneath a matching blazer, a red skirt with black  stockings, and of course her usual red and black boots. There was even a red rose pinned into her hair, which was pulled back into a modest bun. So much red on one person was almost blinding.

“William, good morning!” Grell nearly sang.

William adjusted his glasses with his death scythe, the furrow in his brow deepening considerably. “Sutcliff, do you or do you not remember what we talked about yesterday?” he asked.

“Of course I remember!” Grell said.

“Than why--?” William began, readying himself for another wasted ten minutes. But he was cut off when Grell spun around to shuffle around the things on her desk. She turned back around to face him and held up the copy of the Reaper’s Code he had given her the day before. It was the handbook outlining all the rules and regulations of the Reaper Association. The way some of the people around this office acted, William guessed that he was the only one that had ever bothered to actually read the thing.

“I read the section on dress code,” Grell said, handing the book back to him. “Business casual with closed-toed shoes, and I even pinned my hair back. See?” she said, delicately patting her hair. She touched one painted nail to his chest, giving him a teasing poke. “I can follow directions if I want to. I’m actually glad I did! Don’t I look just fabulous in this outfit?”

William could feel his left eye beginning to twitch.

“Now, what did you want to talk to me about?” Grell asked.

“Nothing, Sutcliff. Never mind,” William said. He turned quickly around, meaning to head back to his office and finish his day’s work, but instead he found himself face to face with Ronald Knox.

“Hey, Mr. Spears! I managed to find that file you wanted!” Ronald said, holding up a stack of paper of for William to see. His smile faded when he got a good look at William’s face. “Dude, your nose is bleeding,” he said matter-of-factly.

William used his death scythe to shove Ronald out of the way. Ronald and Grell watched as he stomped down the hall, disappearing around the corner and into the maze of cubicles.

“What’s the matter with him?” Ronald asked, cocking his head slightly. Grell smiled, putting her hand on his one shoulder and resting her head on the other.

“Oh, I have no idea, Ronnie dear. No idea at all,” she laughed. “I suppose I must be a bit too fabulous for him, that’s all.”

character: william t. spears, character: grell sutcliff, !ficpost, collection: the devil's contract, character: ronald knox, fandom: kuroshitsuji

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