Title: Utah UFO
silenttaiyoukai Fandom: Hetalia
Rating: PG
Words: ~430
Genre: Humor, crack
Characters: America and Tony
Summary: Alien poker party!
Inspired by this, lol. Sweat was starting to bead on America’s brow. He was about to lose almost two-hundred bucks to an alien. He was horrible at playing poker. Tony always beat him at poker. He should have known not to play for actual money. He was already short on cash. He was way over a trillion dollars in debt as it was! Why had he even agreed to this?
He groaned and rolled his eyes, catching a glimpse of a few empty bottles of Samuel Adams laying on the floor.
Oh yeah.
He should have never taught Tony, or his little friends for that matter, how to play this damn game. He should have never let them have alcohol, either.
“Fold,” America hiccupped, throwing down his cards. He got up and went to get a bottle of soda from the fridge. Suddenly he didn’t feel so great.
He closed the fridge and the little portable television that had been sitting on the kitchen counter caught his attention. The evening news was on with the headline "UFOs Over Utah" flashing under an amateur video of crimson lights in a pitch-black sky. He turned the volume up.
“Many residents reported seeing bright red and white lights in the sky as seen in this video, although military officials insist that nothing unusual had occurred…”
America sighed. Deny, deny, deny. That was all he could do when it came to this stuff. Frankly, the old weather balloon excuse was getting a bit old. There were still crazies who were obsessed with uncovering what happened at Roswell all those years ago. Over the years he had learned it was better to play dumb than to offer lame excuses. Less conspiracy theories bred that way.
America looked at the strange bunch that were sitting around his kitchen table. His usual little gray companion was accompanied by six of his best buddies, only discernable from Tony by the varying colors of their eyes.
“You know dudes, if you can invent a way to travel through inter-dimensional space, could you ya know, maybe invent a way to see in the dark so this shit doesn’t happen all the time? I’m getting tired of this,” he said.
The alien with the green eyes looked at him. With an expressionless face like theirs, it was hard to tell what they were thinking, but America had an idea that he was either about to be cursed out or laughed at.
“Play ya for it,” the alien said, and then there were seven extraterrestrials nearly rolling out of their chairs with laughter.