Star Wars and food.

Jan 18, 2016 20:28

I saw The Force Awakens for the second time today.  Some thoughts (some of which I've already posted on Facebook):

- The dialogue is SO MUCH BETTER than the previous Star Wars movies.  Much more natural-sounding and free-flowing.
- BB-8 might be the most adorable thing ever.
- Spot the Game of Thrones alumni!
- First Star Wars film to portray females working for the bad guys?
- Was there ever a time when the Millenium Falcon was NOT a hunk of junk?
- Rey is awesome.
- Poe Dameron is also awesome.  And I don't know why, but he makes me think of Oberyn Martell.

I will now get into spoiler territory.

- One of the things I'm looking forward to most when The Force Awakens comes out on DVD, is being able to play the flashback scene frame by frame.  I caught a couple of things the second time around that I missed the first time: Firstly, when Rey is remembering being left behind on Jakku, someone offscreen is pulling her by the arm and saying something like "Come on, girl!"  So Rey was left in SOMEBODY's direct custody on Jakku.  I wonder who this was, and what became of them?  If I'm remembering right, the voice was female.  So it wasn't Max von Sydow's character (who I believe was on Jakku keeping an eye on Rey, in much the same way that Obi-Wan was keeping an eye on Luke on Tatooine).  The other thing I noticed, because I was listening for it this time, was voices.  Specifically, at the end of the vision, Obi-Wan's voice can be heard saying "Rey, these are your first steps."  I've read online that Yoda's voice can also be heard at some point during the vision, but I haven't caught it yet.

- I am firmly in the "Luke Skywalker is Rey's father" camp, for the reasons I stated in a previous entry (the lightsaber duel with Ren, plus the meeting with Luke at the very end), as well as the reasons outlined in this video: Yes, it's the obvious answer, but the more you think about and examine the evidence at hand, the more sense it makes.  I also like the theory I've seen floating around that Rey's mother is a previously-unknown daughter of Obi-Wan Kenobi.  That one takes a bit more retconning to be believed, but it would go a long way toward explaining certain things about Rey.

- Kylo Ren.  Has this kid even SEEN Return of the Jedi?  I really hope we get to learn more about what led to his fall in episode 8.  But for now, I think his characterization was very smartly done.  Darth Vader is one of the most iconic antagonists in the history of film.  The writers were never going to be able to create a new villain to equal him.  And apparently they knew that, because they gave us a new antagonist who is trying DESPERATELY to emulate Darth Vader but is basically a walking, talking Fallout Boy song.  I think it's genius


In other news, now that this whole exercise thing has become a firm habit, I'm going to try the diet thing.  As of this evening, I am going low-carb, high-protein, and high-veg.  My tentative plan is juice for breakfast, a hefty salad for lunch, and some variety of protein for dinner (tonight it was eggs and sausage with Tabasco).  I fully expect to be miserable all week, but I'll be damned if I'm going to my high school reunion this summer weighing as much as I currently do.


Arizona Sunrise

1.5 oz tequila
1/2 oz lime juice
4 oz orange juice
1/4 oz grenadine

Pour the grenadine into the bottom of a martini glass.  Shake and strain the tequila, lime juice, and orange juice over the grenadine to create layers.  Garnish with a lime wedge or a cherry.  (I didn't get it to layer properly.  Maybe next time.)

bartending, fandom:star wars, cocktail challenge

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