Hint #1 that I run in strange circles: people think I'm a grad student, and I'm a freshman. Yea. It's fun knowing lots of random people that I just run into, though.
Jivi came out of nowhere, yesterday. He just started talking to me as I was walking through White Plaza, even though I didn't actually go through White Plaza. Or did I? I can't remember. It's hard to keep these kinds of things straight.
"Been missing you a lot lately."
"Sorry... I... I've had a lot going on. I just --"
"You don't need to apologize to me. It's your choice to make, which world to live in. You can call either an illusion. You're fortunate, though; you're one of those few who can actually live in either, and thus gets to pick, based on whichever is more attractive at the time."
"Jivi, it's not like that, I haven't --"
"Don't say things you don't actually mean. Like I said, it's your choice to make. And, in case you don't remember, you were the one trying to kiss me, and I told you you shouldn't make that kind of unbreakable bond to someone who is bound so thoroughly to one of the worlds. You couldn't live without traipsing across the Border. I couldn't live while doing so. I owe you for giving me the bridge. But all the same -- oh, it doesn't matter, now. You'll be back soon enough, you always come back, and I can talk to you again then... until then, just enjoy yourself. You deserve that. But anyway, why I'm really here right now is that Time wants to talk to you. I'm not entirely sure why. He was muttering something about those friends of yours in Oklahoma."
"What? But I haven't talked to them in --"
"I think that's part of why he needs to talk to you. Something about needing to pay more attention to your mother-in-law."
"What? But I'm not--"
"Doesn't matter."
He was gone, then. It really frustrated me. Because I've been missing him, too. I just never seem to have a chance to just unfold my wings and head out to the Forest, these days. Which is itself reason enough to have Time on my case, and I'm sure it would upset Jivi. Oh, for the nights we went flying together... it seems like an eternity ago. It might have been. Things changed so much when he gave up his wings... I've still never quite understood why he did it. He always just says it's because he couldn't take it anymore, that I was stronger, that he was sorry. But... why would anyone give up flight? He was the Last~ I often think it has more to do with that, than anything else. But even so. If I asked him that, point-blank, and that was the reason, I wouldn't forgive myself. It's hard enough to deal with things like that without having everyone throwing it in your face.
Time actually was pretty upset with me, it turns out. I guess the Bear's been ignoring Her, too, so it's a pretty frustrating situation for Her. It's kind of depressing, to think that even a woman of her caliber can get so upset by something as petty as love. Time, of course, smacked me for thinking that. What was it? The foundations of the world are Love and Hate, in their two qualities, Constructive and Destructive. Both can be both. But it's because the Center is so bound up by the two that it's stable, if everchanging... the Forest, it's perhaps neverchanging, but that's because none of the Forestdwellers feel like humans do. But then, that's why humans die -- the Destruction makes it inevitable.
How does She escape? She knows exactly the balance of Creation and Destruction to maintain herself through it all? That's the only way she could be such a beautiful Weaver of the world, anyway, so it makes sense that she'd be such a lover, too... except that she actually does understand you, because she sees right through you. I never quite understood how the Bear didn't find that incredibally unnerving. But whatever. He was the one who asked her into his pickup in the first place.
And Time found me at the Intersection...
Oh, and if you're looking to get a quick overview of randomish thingies that might be important without digging through all my old entries, I've started doing memories (and just to make it even more impressive of an achievement, I decreased security on some of them; two were previously private! Omg!). Woo. And I'm hopefully going to have a couple more Listen! strips up in the next couple days. So be looking for that... but don't hold your breath :P I'll link to them if it happens.