
Apr 26, 2006 03:31

Pulling all-nighters is kinda fun. It's a nice feeling, I guess, to just be getting stuff done in a very focused manner. Yes, note how focused I am right now.

I've decided that I'm going to major in math instead of physics. Because, despite finally having gotten a prof who is both not an asshole and actually knows his stuff, I'm still absolutely not interested in what's going on. I've just held onto physics too long. Mrs. Brown was cool. Superstring theory is cool. But guess what? I can still be a 'theoretical physicist' with just math. Not to mention I can take classes that actually interest me. And that I haven't been that into the idea of being a physicist since like, halfway through ninth grade, anyway [experiments... gross]. And I already know who I'm going to try to get for an advisor. ( to figure out how to tell the 'rents)

Lauren and Nick are fighting over "herself." This amuses me to no end. ("Herself" is a character I made up on facebook so my profile would say "she is in an open relationship with herself"... if you don't know enough about facebook for that to make sense, please stay that way; facebook is evil.)

I think that's all for now. Need to go look up how long I have to decide whether to take my current physics class for a letter grade or pass/fail [yay for math major... I actually /can/ take it pass/fail... I just still feel guilty... but I dunno if I'll pass it even so >_> gah, I'm putting so little effort into that class, because I just don't care... although, honestly, I don't care much at all about any of my classes this quarter, which is pretty depressing after last quarter, where I loved all my classes to death... feh]
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